Test scaling security->canonical sync with a fast CI
What does this MR do and why?
During a security release, the content of the default branch diverges from canonical and security as soon as we start processing the vulnerability fixes.
At the end of each security release, the release managers sync the content of gitlab-org/security/gitlab:master into gitlab-org/gitlab:master, the process does not scale well with the number of changes affecting GitLab, and we recently moved to use the merge-train tool to address some of the problems gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#19402 (closed)
In this merge request, I am proposing the first step a long-term solution described in gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#19460.
Today we have the merge-train project cloning both repositories, doing a local merge, and pushing the changes into the canonical repo.
This process will fail if another merge request advances the default branch during this operation. To handle that we pull again and perform another merge.
The following diagram explains how the process looks today.
actor rm as Relese Manager
participant rt as release-tools
participant mt as merge-train
participant gl as gitlab.com
actor Maintainer
rm->>rt: Sync security default branch
rt->>mt: merge sercurity:master->canonical:master
activate mt
mt->>+gl: clone gitlab-org/security/gitlab
gl-->>-mt: security:master
mt->>+gl: clone gitlab-org/gitlab
gl-->>-mt: canonical:master
par Release Process
mt->>mt: merge security:master into canonical:master
and Development Process
Maintainer->>+gl: Merge gitlab-org/gitlab!12345
gl-->>-Maintainer: merged
mt->>+gl: git push
gl-->>-mt: ❌ push failure, master advanced
loop up to 5 times if push fails
mt->>+gl: pull gitlab-org/gitlab master
gl-->>-mt: canonical:master
mt->>mt: merge HEAD into canonical:master
mt->>+gl: git push
gl-->>-mt: push result
deactivate mt
rm->>rt: Very mirroring status
In this merge request, we are introducing a set of changes to our CI configuration to only have the no-op
job when a merge request is from the default branch of the security mirror and targets the default branch of the canonical repo. Every change merged on the security repository has already been reviewed and approved by the relevant maintainers and Appsec.
With this setup, syncing back the security changes could be reduced to an API call to create the above MR.
Screenshots or screen recordings
In !125863 (closed) we can see this MR in action.
To test it before merging this MR, we patched the logic with !125863 (50c8a892)
As we can see in the above MR, its pipeline only took 7 seconds to run
How to set up and validate locally
Numbered steps to set up and validate the change are strongly suggested.
MR acceptance checklist
This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
I have evaluated the MR acceptance checklist for this MR.