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Finalize batched background migrations

Abdul Wadood requested to merge 423000-finalize-backfill-with-defaults into master

What does this MR do and why?

Finalizes the batches background migrations, used to backfill users and user_preferences attributes, that were introduced in these commits:

  1. cb553c9f
  2. ab2ccb4c

So that the new code can depend on the migrated data according to our migration guidelines The new code will be introduced in Reinstate Merge branch '388393-validate-attribu... (#417576 - closed).

The above migrations have already finished on but we need to finalize these migrations for self-managed.

Migrations status on

progress job_class_name status
100.00 BackfillUserPreferencesWithDefaults 3
100.00 BackfillUsersWithDefaults 3
Migrated data on
gitlabhq_dblab=# select count(*) from user_preferences where tab_width is null OR time_display_relative is null OR render_whitespace_in_code is null;
(1 row)

gitlabhq_dblab=# select count(*) from users where project_view is null OR hide_no_ssh_key is null OR hide_no_password is null OR notified_of_own_activity is null;
(1 row)

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #423000 (closed)

Edited by Abdul Wadood

Merge request reports
