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Update profile page layout

Annabel Dunstone Gray requested to merge profile-page-layout into master

What does this MR do and why?

Centered header is now left aligned

  • Centered content was left over from when we had a centered top navigation bar ~7 years ago (example); no significant changes since
  • Left sidebar follows similar pattern seen on other profile pages
  • User data separate into bio, info, and contact sections
  • Achievements has a dedicated, labeled section
  • Better use of whitespace
  • Allows main content to rise to the top


  • Activity graph has been moved to “Activity” section
    • Keeping like content together makes for stronger content connections.
  • Better hierarchy and scanability
  • Now that the width of the main content has been constrained, the line-length is more readable on the /Activity tab
  • We show the graph at full width on lg breakpoint and let it scroll on smaller screens (keeping it fixed to the most recent days), allowing for more flexibility at different screen sizes
    • Currently we cut it down to 6 months on medium screens, not letting users see the previous 6 months


  • Show 3 projects in new “card” style
  • No wasted space if a user has no projects
  • If a user has only 1 or 2 projects, they’ll still occupy the full Personal projects section width


  • Max-height with a “Read more” button that’ll expand the full readme inline
    • Similar pattern to Toggle commits in the merge request activity feed
  • Currently, a long readme takes up a lot of vertical space in a very prominent location. This isn’t helpful to users who visit profile pages often

What is the same?

  • Functionality
  • The edit/follow/admin/keys buttons are still in top right corner
  • User content (now in the sidebar) and action buttons are still available across all tabs

What’s next?

  • Show projects with the most stars
  • Let users choose which projects they want to display (perhaps increase the number of projects too)
  • Group info and contact info in the user settings to match the profile

Screenshots or screen recordings

Profile with everything filled out

Before After
Screenshot_2023-11-09_at_11.30.10_AM Screenshot_2023-11-09_at_11.08.34_AM

Long readme interaction

Default Expanded
Screenshot_2023-11-09_at_11.52.37_AM Screenshot_2023-11-09_at_11.52.45_AM

Profile with some things filled out, very short readme

Before After
Screenshot_2023-11-09_at_11.30.02_AM Screenshot_2023-11-09_at_11.08.00_AM

Profile with no customization/new user

Before After
Screenshot_2023-11-09_at_11.30.20_AM Screenshot_2023-11-09_at_11.27.12_AM

✂️ UX Paper Cuts 16.6 → Activity (#425468 - closed)

Profile > Reconfigure layout (#360002 - closed)

Edited by Sascha Eggenberger

Merge request reports
