Hard limit daily phone verification transactions
What does this MR do and why?
- Partially resolves https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/modelops/anti-abuse/team-tasks/-/issues/542+
- Requires !138287 (merged)
- Related to incident 17141
When phone verification transactions (successfully sent SMS) exceeds the hard daily limit of 20_000 phone verification will be turned off until the rate limit is reset at the end of the current day (UTC).
Until the rate limit is reset all users are assumed high risk regardless of the Arkose risk band assigned to them. This means all users are required to verify 1. email 2. credit card.
How to set up and validate locally
Enable the relevant feature flags
> Feature.enable(:arkose_labs_signup_challenge) > Feature.enable(:identity_verification_phone_number) > Feature.enable(:identity_verification_credit_card) > Feature.enable(:identity_verification) > Feature.enable(:hard_limit_daily_phone_verifications)
Configure application settings for Identity Verification
> ApplicationSetting.first.update(email_confirmation_setting: 'hard', require_admin_approval_after_user_signup: false) > ApplicationSetting.first.update(arkose_labs_public_api_key: "XXX", arkose_labs_private_api_key: "YYY") > ApplicationSetting.first.update(telesign_customer_xid: 'XXX', telesign_api_key: 'YYY')
Note: credentials are in 1Password under
Telesign API keys (Development)
andArkoseLabs API keys (Development)
Update the rate limit value to testing-friendly values
# ee/lib/ee/gitlab/application_rate_limiter.rb # hard_phone_verification_transactions_limit: { threshold: 20_000, interval: 1.day } hard_phone_verification_transactions_limit: { threshold: 2, interval: 20.minutes }
Restart GDK
Visit http://localhost:3000/users/sign_up to register a new user
Force user to have medium risk
> User.last.custom_attributes.by_key('arkose_risk_band').first.update!(value: 'Medium')
Verify the user's email
> User.last.update(confirmed_at: Time.zone.now)
Screencast for steps 5-7
Screen_Recording_2023-11-30_at_5.41.12_PM -
On the phone verification step, send a code 3 times to exceed the hard limit of phone verifications
Screen_Recording_2023-12-05_at_6.49.14_PM -
Refresh the page
Verify that the user is now required to complete email, credit card verification in that exact order
MR acceptance checklist
This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
I have evaluated the MR acceptance checklist for this MR.