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Update tags query to include sub-groups

Alexander Turinske requested to merge 426328-update-runner-tags into master

What does this MR do and why?

Update tags query to include sub-groups

  • use membership setting to retrieve inherited tags for security policies
  • on demand scans also use this component, but they are not affected because they are not available for groups

Changelog: changed

EE: true

MR acceptance checklist

Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Screenshots or screen recordings

Screenshots are required for UI changes, and strongly recommended for all other merge requests.

Before After
group_-_before group_-_after

How to set up and validate locally

Numbered steps to set up and validate the change are strongly suggested.

  1. Upload a GitLab Ultimate license
  2. Create a top-level group (parent), either on SaaS or Self-Managed, with an Ultimate subscription applied.
  3. Create a subgroup (parent/subgroup)
  4. Create a project (parent/subgroup/project)
  5. Create a top-level Group Runner on parent. Configure the Runner with a tag, such as sep-example-tag.
  6. In the subgroup, go to Secure > Policies. Select New Policy > Scan execution policy.
  7. Add a tag to the scan
  8. Verify the top-level runner tag appears

Related to #426328 (closed)

Merge request reports
