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Truncate source_title & source_url when creating `BulkImports::Failure`

What does this MR do and why?

Whenever we create BulkImports::Failure record during Direct Transfer migration we populate source_title & source_url to present it back to the user, for convenience, so they can quickly identify which record failed to import (if title or url is available).

However, if during failure record creation source_title (or url) is longer than 255 chars, we raise an exception that is not handled properly, resulting in the batch to be aborted entirely (by the looks of it).

PG::CheckViolation: ERROR: new row for relation "bulk_import_failures" violates check constraint "check_74414228d4" DETAIL: Failing row contains (..., BulkImports::Projects::Pipelines::IssuesPipeline, Activ...

Truncate source title & url when creating failure records.

Mentions #438074 (closed)

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