Load selected comment before loading every comment
What does this MR do and why?
Makes loading a link to a note faster. Load a single note first if there is a note_*
in URL, put it in the middle of skeleton loaded notes.
What doesn't it do
- Currently only works for issues (work_items coming next)
- Causes minor jump-to-the-right for replies (doesn't currently fetch discussion info so can't be sure if a reply or not)
Screenshots or screen recordings
How to set up and validate locally
Make an issue with a lot of notes. Rails console script to add 200 comments to the last issue then print link to it:
issue = Issue.last 200.times do |i| issue.notes.create!( note: "This is comment #{i + 1} with some words in it to pad out the page and try to mess with the scroll position or just to give you something to read while it loads.", project: issue.project, author: User.first ) end puts "URL: #{Gitlab.config.gitlab.url}/#{issue.project.full_path}/issues/#{issue.iid}"
test out things to break it and find bugs. Sort comments by date ascending/descending, scroll the page while still loading, add some large images or diagrams to notes near the preview note
Edited by Simon Knox