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Set project_id for existing orphaned packages dependencies


We're preparing the packages_dependencies for adding the sharding key project_id.

In Set project_id when creating Packages::Dependency (!161039 - merged) we added the changes to set project_id for new dependencies, and in Add migration to backfill project_id for packag... (!161798 - merged) to backfill project_id for existing dependencies that have the linked packages dependency links where we can use project_id.

Now we got the case when orphaned packages dependencies (the dependencies that don't have any linked dependency links) and should be removed with the Packages::Cleanup::DeleteOrphanedDependenciesWorker, in the meantime becoming used by newly uploaded packages and dependency links, and thus becoming not orphaned, but without project_id.

What does this MR do and why?

This MR changes the Packages::CreateDependencyService service to set project_id for existing orphaned packages dependencies, when they're re-used.

MR acceptance checklist

Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

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How to set up and validate locally

  1. Create orphaned dependency without project using rails console

    FactoryBot.create(:packages_dependency, name: 'axios', version_pattern: '^1.7.5' project: nil)

    Note: note down the ID, we'll need it on the verification step.

  2. Create a new npm package that uses axios@1.7.5

    npm init
    # Now edit package's name (if needed) and add authentication to `.nmprc` [docs](
    # Install dependency and publish a package to the registry.
    npm i axios@1.7.5
    npm publish
  3. Verify that previously orphaned dependency now has project_id set.


Related to #465276 (closed)

Edited by Dzmitry (Dima) Meshcharakou

Merge request reports
