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Improved Vault integration PoC

Marius Bobin requested to merge poc-gitlab-vault-integration-118624-v2 into master

What does this MR do?

This is just a POC for the Vault integration, not to be merged. #118624 (closed)

It was proposed here, #28321 (comment 255977128), that the Vault integration should be implemented entirely on the Rails side. I think that the UX proposed in #28321 (closed) to expose a variable to the Runner with the contents of a path has a few drawbacks for the Rails only approach.

A Vault path stores a key-value structure, so it can multiple variables in it, which doesn't align with the UI where you can specify only one variable name:

vault kv put secret/password field_1=11111111 field_2=22222222 field_3=33333333 field_4=44444444

vault kv get secret/password
===== Data =====
Key        Value
---        -----
field_1    1111111
field_2    2222222
field_3    3333333
field_4    4444444

This MR uses the vault-ruby gem to read the paths. By reading secret/password, we receive the secrets in the data field:

[17] pry(main)> puts"secret/password").to_h
  "auth": null,
  "data": {
    "field_1": "111111111",
    "field_2": "222222222",
    "field_3": "333333333",
    "field_4": "444444444"
  "metadata": null,
  "lease_duration": 2764800,
  "lease_id": "",
  "renewable": false,
  "warnings": null,
  "wrap_info": null

The only way for this to work is to have the user to use the same variable name in our UI as the field in the data structure. The leaves us with a few problems:

  • User must define a variable for each data key
  • We must perform a group by path on the variables to reduce the number of requests to the Vault server. This is not clear to the user and it might pose problems with the dynamic secret engines:
$ vault read aws/creds/my-role
Key                Value
---                -----
lease_id           aws/creds/my-role/f3e92392-7d9c-09c8-c921-575d62fe80d8
lease_duration     768h
lease_renewable    true
access_key         AKIAIOWQXTLW36DV7IEA
secret_key         iASuXNKcWKFtbO8Ef0vOcgtiL6knR20EJkJTH8WI
security_token     <nil>

For this example the user must define 3 variables with the same path, aws/creds/my-role, but with access_key, secret_key, security_token as the names. In this case we must perform the group by if we don't want to create 3 different sets of credentials. But this leaves us without a way for the user to inject 2 sets of distinct credentials in the job.

Another problem is that the variables are exposed to all the jobs:

  • which might cause problems when using dynamic credentials from Vault. Each job will create credentials even if they are not used during the job execution.
  • we are doing unnecessary requests to the Vault, which might slow down the builds.

Proposed syntax

This is why I am proposing to move the secrets definition in the YAML config to allow more flexible configurations:

  script: make 
      - key: "secret/password"
        prefix: "SOMETHING"
          - name: "field_1"
            expose_as: "PASSWORD_1"              # SOMETHING_PASSWORD_1
          - name: "field_2"
            expose_as: "PASSWORD_2"              # SOMETHING_PASSWORD_2
          - name: "field_3"                      # SOMETHING_SECRET_PASSWORD_FIELD_3

We choose to export only the first three fields from secret/password, each with its own name:

  • the prefix: is optional, with VAULT being the default value. It can accept "" to remove it.
  • fields: is also optional, we expose all the fields if it's missing
  • name: is mandatory, should be the name from the data structure
  • expose_as: should be optional and be used to construct the variable name.

The variable names are constructed using prefix + expose_as or prefix + key + field name if fields: or expose_as: are missing.

  script: make 
      - key: "secret/password"

This exposes all the fields from secret/password

The implementation:

  • We store the Vault token of SSL/TLS client certificate in a Rails model using encrypted attributes
  • Vault can be configured at Project -> Settings -> CI/CD -> Vault integration. This is a minimal implementation without frontend validations or styling
  • We read the secrets only when the Runner requests a new build and pass them as environment variables

Protected variables and environments

I'm also proposing a feature to mimic the Protected Variables functionality by using an input in the configuration page(Protected Secrets screenshot 👇) to define paths that must be exposed only on protected jobs or on protected jobs and environments.


  stage: deployment
    - printenv | sort | grep "STAGING"
      - key: "secret/staging-secret"

  stage: deployment
    - printenv | sort | grep "STAGING"
      - key: "secret/staging-secret"
    name: staging

With secret/staging*,staging as protected configuration in the integration page, only the staging-deployment job would receive the values stored at secret/staging-secret

Right now the input accepts a regexp key joined by a , with the environment name. Different configurations are separated by a new line. There is a proposal to clean this up, but it needs frontend and UX work.


Fetching all secrets can take up to 15 seconds:

  • each request has timeout set to 5 seconds
  • there is also a soft timeout for all the requests set to 10 seconds.

Future work

Only the root tokens can have a TTL of 0, meaning that they do not expire. All other tokens expire after a configured period.

  • We can define an API to update the tokens
  • We can add support for periodic tokens using a cron task:

    At every renewal time, the TTL will be reset back to this configured period, and as long as the token is successfully renewed within each of these periods of time, it will never expire. Outside of root tokens, it is currently the only way for a token in Vault to have an unlimited lifetime.



Edited by Krasimir Angelov

Merge request reports
