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Remove schema compatibility fixes for PG 9.6

Andreas Brandl requested to merge ab/schema-cleanup into master

What does this MR do?

This removes compatibility fixes we introduced to support PG 9.6, while gdk was on PG11. Now that we can safely assume >= PG11 everywhere (also in CI), we can drop those fixes:

  1. Explicit plpgsql extension - we don't need to be explicit here anymore, this is present by default and pg_dump (from >=PG11) doesn't explicitly dump that anymore either.
  2. CREATE SEQUENCE ... as integer - this wasn't compatible syntax-wise with PG9.6.

(1) gets rid of this warning when resetting the gdk database:

psql:/home/abrandl-gl/workspace/gdk/gitlab/db/structure.sql:3: NOTICE:  extension "plpgsql" already exists, skipping

For (2) - I'm surprised as datatype doesn't show up in db/structure.sql after running rake db:structure:dump with the adjusted SchemaCleaner. Not sure exactly why that is - perhaps meanwhile something changed in Rails.

For reviewers: Can you please confirm a rake db:structure:dump doesn't produce changes in your local db/structure.sql? Specifically not for the sequences?

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