Add board sidebar item wrapper
What does this MR do?
This component would wrap any sidebar item, with this API:
<!-- the `ref` is for `$refs.sidebarItem.collapse()` -->
:title="__('Sidebar item title')"
@open="editModeOn = true"
@closed="editModeOn = false"
@changed="editModeOn = $event"
<template #collapsed>
Selected value is {{ selectedValue }}
<!-- shown when editing -->
<custom-item-select v-model="selectedValue" />
Used with assignees |
5Q1C8Np7Xm |
Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?
Changelog entry -
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Availability and Testing
Review and add/update tests for this feature/bug. Consider all test levels. See the Test Planning Process. -
Tested in all supported browsers -
Informed Infrastructure department of a default or new setting change, if applicable per definition of done
Edited by Axel García