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Migrates health status dropdown, align sidebar buttons with Pajamas

Taurie Davis requested to merge sidebar-updates into master

What does this MR do?

This MR migrates the health status dropdown within the issue sidebar. Because the dropdown was not using the recent GlButton, the styling of the dropdown when migrating just the dropdown was incorrect. It was not possible to only migrate the dropdown without also migrating the button. However, migrating the button to a Pajamas button also meant the alignment was off for all other Edit buttons in the sidebars. After discussing with @jeldergl, we landed on the following design:

This MR updates the sidebars to match this design in order to follow Pajamas and utilize gitlab ui for both the status button and dropdown.


Health status dropdown before Health status dropdown after
Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.45.45_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-21_at_12.57.36_PM
Edit button before Edit button after
2020-09-16_17.53.09 2020-09-16_17.54.05
type expanded before expanded after alignment
Issue Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.45.37_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_4.57.31_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.04.50_PM
MR Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.47.08_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_4.57.03_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.04.26_PM
Epic Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.48.01_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.40.54_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.41.16_PM
Project - Bulk edit issue Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.49.14_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.05.47_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.06.13_PM
Group - Bulk edit issue Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.50.07_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.09.03_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.09.20_PM
Project - Bulk edit MR Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.48.51_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.07.38_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.07.49_PM
Group - Bulk edit MR Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.50.26_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.09.52_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.10.04_PM
Group - Bulk edit Epic Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.49.45_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.10.35_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.10.56_PM
Milestone Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.51.12_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.16.31_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.16.40_PM
Board Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.51.50_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.17.46_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.18.09_PM
type collapsed before collapsed after note
Issue Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.45.59_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_4.57.22_PM Border radius of gutter toggle has been fixed but is not reflected in screenshots
MR Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.46.57_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_4.56.49_PM Border radius of gutter toggle has been fixed but is not reflected in screenshots
Epic Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.48.10_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.41.26_PM Border radius of gutter toggle has been fixed but is not reflected in screenshots
Project - Bulk edit issue NA NA
Group - Bulk edit issue NA NA
Project - Bulk edit MR NA NA
Group - Bulk edit MR NA NA
Milestone Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.51.04_PM Screen_Shot_2020-09-16_at_5.13.37_PM Border radius of gutter toggle has been fixed but is not reflected in screenshots
Board NA NA

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing


If this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods and other items described in the security review guidelines:

  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team

Closes #241806 #233598 (closed)

Edited by Taurie Davis

Merge request reports
