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Add count of projects with new incidents to usage ping

Sarah Yasonik requested to merge sy-add-new-incidents-to-usage-ping into master

What does this MR do?

Related issue: #263549 (closed)

This MR adds two new items to the usage ping:

  1. Count of projects with a new incident created in the last month
  2. Count of projects with a new incident created in the last month from an alert

Before index changes

Query performance for projects with incidents

Queries (uses Gitlab::Database::BatchCount):

SELECT MIN(issues.project_id) FROM issues 
WHERE issues.issue_type = 1 
AND issues.created_at BETWEEN '2020-09-30 20:18:00' AND '2020-10-28 20:18:00';

SELECT MAX(issues.project_id) FROM issues 
WHERE issues.issue_type = 1 
AND issues.created_at BETWEEN '2020-09-30 20:18:00' AND '2020-10-28 20:18:00';

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT issues.project_id) FROM issues 
WHERE issues.issue_type = 1
AND issues.created_at BETWEEN '2020-09-30 20:18:00' AND '2020-10-28 20:18:00'
AND "issues"."project_id" >= 21
AND "issues"."project_id" < 10021;  

Min database lab: Min visualization:

Database lab: Visual rep:

Query performance for project with incidents from alerts

Queries (uses Gitlab::Database::BatchCount):

SELECT MIN(issues.project_id) FROM issues 
INNER JOIN alert_management_alerts ON alert_management_alerts.issue_id = 
WHERE issues.issue_type = 1 
AND issues.created_at BETWEEN '2020-09-30 20:39:41.087683' AND '2020-10-28 20:39:41.087806';  
SELECT MAX(issues.project_id) FROM issues 
INNER JOIN alert_management_alerts ON alert_management_alerts.issue_id = 
WHERE issues.issue_type = 1
AND issues.created_at BETWEEN '2020-09-30 20:39:41.087683' AND '2020-10-28 20:39:41.087806';  
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT issues.project_id) FROM issues 
INNER JOIN alert_management_alerts ON alert_management_alerts.issue_id = 
WHERE issues.issue_type = 1 
AND issues.created_at BETWEEN '2020-09-30 20:39:41.087683' AND '2020-10-28 20:39:41.087806'
AND issues.project_id >= 0 
AND issues.project_id < 10000;  

Min database lab: Min visualization:

Database lab: Visual rep:

With new index

exec CREATE INDEX index_issues_on_project_id_and_created_at_issue_type_incident ON issues USING btree (project_id, created_at) WHERE (issue_type = 1);
exec DROP INDEX index_issues_project_id_issue_type_incident;
Query performance for projects with incidents
Query performance for project with incidents from alerts
Up migration
$ rails db:migrate
== 20201102184743 AddIndexToIncidentIssuesOnProjectAndCreatedAt: migrating ====
-- transaction_open?()
   -> 0.0000s
-- index_exists?(:issues, [:project_id, :created_at], {:where=>"issue_type = 1", :name=>"index_issues_on_project_id_and_created_at_issue_type_incident", :algorithm=>:concurrently})
   -> 0.0101s
-- execute("SET statement_timeout TO 0")
   -> 0.0002s
-- add_index(:issues, [:project_id, :created_at], {:where=>"issue_type = 1", :name=>"index_issues_on_project_id_and_created_at_issue_type_incident", :algorithm=>:concurrently})
   -> 0.0039s
-- execute("RESET ALL")
   -> 0.0002s
-- transaction_open?()
   -> 0.0000s
-- indexes(:issues)
   -> 0.0085s
-- remove_index(:issues, {:algorithm=>:concurrently, :name=>"index_issues_project_id_issue_type_incident"})
   -> 0.0039s
== 20201102184743 AddIndexToIncidentIssuesOnProjectAndCreatedAt: migrated (0.0276s) 
SQL output via dbconsole
$ rails dbconsole
psql (11.9)
Type "help" for help.

gitlabhq_development=# \d issues
                                               Table "public.issues"
         Column          |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |              Default               
 id                      | integer                     |           | not null | nextval('issues_id_seq'::regclass)
 title                   | character varying           |           |          | 
 author_id               | integer                     |           |          | 
 project_id              | integer                     |           |          | 
 created_at              | timestamp without time zone |           |          | 
 updated_at              | timestamp without time zone |           |          | 
 description             | text                        |           |          | 
 milestone_id            | integer                     |           |          | 
 iid                     | integer                     |           |          | 
 updated_by_id           | integer                     |           |          | 
 weight                  | integer                     |           |          | 
 confidential            | boolean                     |           | not null | false
 due_date                | date                        |           |          | 
 moved_to_id             | integer                     |           |          | 
 lock_version            | integer                     |           |          | 0
 title_html              | text                        |           |          | 
 description_html        | text                        |           |          | 
 time_estimate           | integer                     |           |          | 
 relative_position       | integer                     |           |          | 
 service_desk_reply_to   | character varying           |           |          | 
 cached_markdown_version | integer                     |           |          | 
 last_edited_at          | timestamp without time zone |           |          | 
 last_edited_by_id       | integer                     |           |          | 
 discussion_locked       | boolean                     |           |          | 
 closed_at               | timestamp with time zone    |           |          | 
 closed_by_id            | integer                     |           |          | 
 state_id                | smallint                    |           | not null | 1
 duplicated_to_id        | integer                     |           |          | 
 promoted_to_epic_id     | integer                     |           |          | 
 health_status           | smallint                    |           |          | 
 external_key            | character varying(255)      |           |          | 
 sprint_id               | bigint                      |           |          | 
 issue_type              | smallint                    |           | not null | 0
 blocking_issues_count   | integer                     |           | not null | 0
    "issues_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "index_issues_on_project_id_and_external_key" UNIQUE, btree (project_id, external_key) WHERE external_key IS NOT NULL
    "index_issues_on_project_id_and_iid" UNIQUE, btree (project_id, iid)
    "idx_issues_on_health_status_not_null" btree (health_status) WHERE health_status IS NOT NULL
    "idx_issues_on_project_id_and_created_at_and_id_and_state_id" btree (project_id, created_at, id, state_id)
    "idx_issues_on_project_id_and_due_date_and_id_and_state_id" btree (project_id, due_date, id, state_id) WHERE due_date IS NOT NULL
    "idx_issues_on_project_id_and_rel_position_and_state_id_and_id" btree (project_id, relative_position, state_id, id DESC)
    "idx_issues_on_project_id_and_updated_at_and_id_and_state_id" btree (project_id, updated_at, id, state_id)
    "idx_issues_on_state_id" btree (state_id)
    "index_issue_on_project_id_state_id_and_blocking_issues_count" btree (project_id, state_id, blocking_issues_count)
    "index_issues_on_author_id" btree (author_id)
    "index_issues_on_author_id_and_id_and_created_at" btree (author_id, id, created_at)
    "index_issues_on_closed_by_id" btree (closed_by_id)
    "index_issues_on_confidential" btree (confidential)
    "index_issues_on_description_trigram" gin (description gin_trgm_ops)
    "index_issues_on_duplicated_to_id" btree (duplicated_to_id) WHERE duplicated_to_id IS NOT NULL
    "index_issues_on_incident_issue_type" btree (issue_type) WHERE issue_type = 1
    "index_issues_on_last_edited_by_id" btree (last_edited_by_id)
    "index_issues_on_milestone_id" btree (milestone_id)
    "index_issues_on_moved_to_id" btree (moved_to_id) WHERE moved_to_id IS NOT NULL
    "index_issues_on_project_id_and_closed_at" btree (project_id, closed_at)
    "index_issues_on_project_id_and_created_at_issue_type_incident" btree (project_id, created_at) WHERE issue_type = 1
    "index_issues_on_promoted_to_epic_id" btree (promoted_to_epic_id) WHERE promoted_to_epic_id IS NOT NULL
    "index_issues_on_sprint_id" btree (sprint_id)
    "index_issues_on_title_trigram" gin (title gin_trgm_ops)
    "index_issues_on_updated_at" btree (updated_at)
    "index_issues_on_updated_by_id" btree (updated_by_id) WHERE updated_by_id IS NOT NULL
    "tmp_idx_index_issues_with_outdate_blocking_count" btree (id) WHERE state_id = 1 AND blocking_issues_count = 0
Down migration
$ rails db:migrate:down VERSION=20201102184743
== 20201102184743 AddIndexToIncidentIssuesOnProjectAndCreatedAt: reverting ====
-- transaction_open?()
   -> 0.0000s
-- index_exists?(:issues, :project_id, {:where=>"issue_type = 1", :name=>"index_issues_project_id_issue_type_incident", :algorithm=>:concurrently})
   -> 0.0105s
-- execute("SET statement_timeout TO 0")
   -> 0.0002s
-- add_index(:issues, :project_id, {:where=>"issue_type = 1", :name=>"index_issues_project_id_issue_type_incident", :algorithm=>:concurrently})
   -> 0.0041s
-- execute("RESET ALL")
   -> 0.0002s
-- transaction_open?()
   -> 0.0000s
-- indexes(:issues)
   -> 0.0081s
-- remove_index(:issues, {:algorithm=>:concurrently, :name=>"index_issues_on_project_id_and_created_at_issue_type_incident"})
   -> 0.0035s
== 20201102184743 AddIndexToIncidentIssuesOnProjectAndCreatedAt: reverted (0.0274s) 
SQL output via dbconsole
$ rails dbconsole
psql (11.9)
Type "help" for help.

gitlabhq_development=# \d issues
                                               Table "public.issues"
         Column          |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |              Default               
 id                      | integer                     |           | not null | nextval('issues_id_seq'::regclass)
 title                   | character varying           |           |          | 
 author_id               | integer                     |           |          | 
 project_id              | integer                     |           |          | 
 created_at              | timestamp without time zone |           |          | 
 updated_at              | timestamp without time zone |           |          | 
 description             | text                        |           |          | 
 milestone_id            | integer                     |           |          | 
 iid                     | integer                     |           |          | 
 updated_by_id           | integer                     |           |          | 
 weight                  | integer                     |           |          | 
 confidential            | boolean                     |           | not null | false
 due_date                | date                        |           |          | 
 moved_to_id             | integer                     |           |          | 
 lock_version            | integer                     |           |          | 0
 title_html              | text                        |           |          | 
 description_html        | text                        |           |          | 
 time_estimate           | integer                     |           |          | 
 relative_position       | integer                     |           |          | 
 service_desk_reply_to   | character varying           |           |          | 
 cached_markdown_version | integer                     |           |          | 
 last_edited_at          | timestamp without time zone |           |          | 
 last_edited_by_id       | integer                     |           |          | 
 discussion_locked       | boolean                     |           |          | 
 closed_at               | timestamp with time zone    |           |          | 
 closed_by_id            | integer                     |           |          | 
 state_id                | smallint                    |           | not null | 1
 duplicated_to_id        | integer                     |           |          | 
 promoted_to_epic_id     | integer                     |           |          | 
 health_status           | smallint                    |           |          | 
 external_key            | character varying(255)      |           |          | 
 sprint_id               | bigint                      |           |          | 
 issue_type              | smallint                    |           | not null | 0
 blocking_issues_count   | integer                     |           | not null | 0
    "issues_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "index_issues_on_project_id_and_external_key" UNIQUE, btree (project_id, external_key) WHERE external_key IS NOT NULL
    "index_issues_on_project_id_and_iid" UNIQUE, btree (project_id, iid)
    "idx_issues_on_health_status_not_null" btree (health_status) WHERE health_status IS NOT NULL
    "idx_issues_on_project_id_and_created_at_and_id_and_state_id" btree (project_id, created_at, id, state_id)
    "idx_issues_on_project_id_and_due_date_and_id_and_state_id" btree (project_id, due_date, id, state_id) WHERE due_date IS NOT NULL
    "idx_issues_on_project_id_and_rel_position_and_state_id_and_id" btree (project_id, relative_position, state_id, id DESC)
    "idx_issues_on_project_id_and_updated_at_and_id_and_state_id" btree (project_id, updated_at, id, state_id)
    "idx_issues_on_state_id" btree (state_id)
    "index_issue_on_project_id_state_id_and_blocking_issues_count" btree (project_id, state_id, blocking_issues_count)
    "index_issues_on_author_id" btree (author_id)
    "index_issues_on_author_id_and_id_and_created_at" btree (author_id, id, created_at)
    "index_issues_on_closed_by_id" btree (closed_by_id)
    "index_issues_on_confidential" btree (confidential)
    "index_issues_on_description_trigram" gin (description gin_trgm_ops)
    "index_issues_on_duplicated_to_id" btree (duplicated_to_id) WHERE duplicated_to_id IS NOT NULL
    "index_issues_on_incident_issue_type" btree (issue_type) WHERE issue_type = 1
    "index_issues_on_last_edited_by_id" btree (last_edited_by_id)
    "index_issues_on_milestone_id" btree (milestone_id)
    "index_issues_on_moved_to_id" btree (moved_to_id) WHERE moved_to_id IS NOT NULL
    "index_issues_on_project_id_and_closed_at" btree (project_id, closed_at)
    "index_issues_on_promoted_to_epic_id" btree (promoted_to_epic_id) WHERE promoted_to_epic_id IS NOT NULL
    "index_issues_on_sprint_id" btree (sprint_id)
    "index_issues_on_title_trigram" gin (title gin_trgm_ops)
    "index_issues_on_updated_at" btree (updated_at)
    "index_issues_on_updated_by_id" btree (updated_by_id) WHERE updated_by_id IS NOT NULL
    "index_issues_project_id_issue_type_incident" btree (project_id) WHERE issue_type = 1
    "tmp_idx_index_issues_with_outdate_blocking_count" btree (id) WHERE state_id = 1 AND blocking_issues_count = 0

Screenshots (strongly suggested)

Monthly ping All time ping
Screen_Shot_2020-11-17_at_4.28.08_PM Screen_Shot_2020-11-17_at_4.27.17_PM

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing


If this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods and other items described in the security review guidelines:

  • [-] Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • [-] The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • [-] Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by Sarah Yasonik

Merge request reports
