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Fix path for template logos

Nicolas Dular requested to merge nicolasdular/fix-template-logos-path into master

What does this MR do?

This fixes the path for the illustrations that we use for the Pipelines Empty State Experiment.

Previous MR where I already thought I fixed the problem (and it partially did by using image_path instead): !59160 (merged)

I used the wrong path for the illustrations, and it didn't get picked up by the asset pipeline. Unfortunately I didn't catch this in the local environment. Now the path is fixed, which can be seen in the difference of the resulting URL of the image:

  • Before: /assets/illustrations/logos/android.svg
  • After: /assets/illustrations/logos/android-cdf2aa2a47a8c0149252b0dcae5a60dacf6b5fdea960037b323dacac0c287017.svg

How to test locally

Note: If the following does not work, try to restart the gdk to make sure no feature flag was cached.

  • echo 'Feature.enable(:pipeline_empty_state_templates)' | bin/rails c
  • Create or go to a project without a .gitlab-ci.yml
  • Disabled "Default to Auto DevOps pipeline" in the CI/CD settings of your project (http://localhost:3000/<group_name>/<project_name>/-/settings/ci_cd
  • Go to CI/CD -> Pipelines (http://localhost:3000/<group_name>/<project_name>/-/pipelines

Screenshots (strongly suggested)

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  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by Nicolas Dular

Merge request reports
