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Use Flipper 0.21.0

Sean McGivern requested to merge flipper-0-21-0 into master

This allows us to remove a custom patch that has now been accepted upstream:

The big other change is that this now automatically configures itself:

According to, we should be fine here, but we probably want to disable the memoising middleware ( and preloading as that's not the point of this upgrade - we can enable those later.

To check that this change works to disable that, we can comment out the initialiser I added and perform a request. We'll see something like this in log/development.log:

   (1.0ms)            SELECT ff.key AS feature_key, fg.key, fg.value           FROM features ff           LEFT JOIN feature_gates fg ON ff.key = fg.feature_key  /*application:web,correlation_id:01F6PWC2TQAYM67PANGFQXJVQR,line:/home/smcgivern/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.2/lib/ruby/2.7.0/forwardable.rb:235:in `preload_all'*/

With the initialiser, we don't see that, so we haven't preloaded the features.

Merge request reports
