Use dynamic mapping in trigger to sync `integrations.type_new`
What does this MR do?
In !66541 (merged) we ended
up going with a static mapping for this trigger, and figured any new
integrations could just start using the correct class name in type
But our plan is to drop the type
column at some point and replace it
with type_new
, so we still need to sync the class name to type_new
for new integrations as well.
So the trigger is changed to transform all *Service
values into
, and copy any other values unmodified.
Follow-up to #333506 (closed) / !66541 (merged), in response to !67941 (comment 653170448) where we add a new integration.
Migration output
$ rails db:migrate:up VERSION=20210818175949
== 20210818175949 UpdateIntegrationsTriggerTypeNewOnInsert: migrating =========
-- execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION integrations_set_type_new()\nRETURNS TRIGGER AS\n$$\nBEGIN\nUPDATE integrations SET type_new = regexp_replace(NEW.type, '\\A(.+)Service\\Z', 'Integrations::\\1')\nWHERE =;\nRETURN NULL;\n\nEND\n$$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL\n")
-> 0.0033s
== 20210818175949 UpdateIntegrationsTriggerTypeNewOnInsert: migrated (0.0034s)
$ rails db:migrate:down VERSION=20210818175949
== 20210818175949 UpdateIntegrationsTriggerTypeNewOnInsert: reverting =========
-- execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION integrations_set_type_new()\nRETURNS TRIGGER AS\n$$\nBEGIN\nWITH mapping(old_type, new_type) AS (VALUES\n ('AsanaService', 'Integrations::Asana'),\n ('AssemblaService', 'Integrations::Assembla'),\n ('BambooService', 'Integrations::Bamboo'),\n ('BugzillaService', 'Integrations::Bugzilla'),\n ('BuildkiteService', 'Integrations::Buildkite'),\n ('CampfireService', 'Integrations::Campfire'),\n ('ConfluenceService', 'Integrations::Confluence'),\n ('CustomIssueTrackerService', 'Integrations::CustomIssueTracker'),\n ('DatadogService', 'Integrations::Datadog'),\n ('DiscordService', 'Integrations::Discord'),\n ('DroneCiService', 'Integrations::DroneCi'),\n ('EmailsOnPushService', 'Integrations::EmailsOnPush'),\n ('EwmService', 'Integrations::Ewm'),\n ('ExternalWikiService', 'Integrations::ExternalWiki'),\n ('FlowdockService', 'Integrations::Flowdock'),\n ('HangoutsChatService', 'Integrations::HangoutsChat'),\n ('IrkerService', 'Integrations::Irker'),\n ('JenkinsService', 'Integrations::Jenkins'),\n ('JiraService', 'Integrations::Jira'),\n ('MattermostService', 'Integrations::Mattermost'),\n ('MattermostSlashCommandsService', 'Integrations::MattermostSlashCommands'),\n ('MicrosoftTeamsService', 'Integrations::MicrosoftTeams'),\n ('MockCiService', 'Integrations::MockCi'),\n ('MockMonitoringService', 'Integrations::MockMonitoring'),\n ('PackagistService', 'Integrations::Packagist'),\n ('PipelinesEmailService', 'Integrations::PipelinesEmail'),\n ('PivotaltrackerService', 'Integrations::Pivotaltracker'),\n ('PrometheusService', 'Integrations::Prometheus'),\n ('PushoverService', 'Integrations::Pushover'),\n ('RedmineService', 'Integrations::Redmine'),\n ('SlackService', 'Integrations::Slack'),\n ('SlackSlashCommandsService', 'Integrations::SlackSlashCommands'),\n ('TeamcityService', 'Integrations::Teamcity'),\n ('UnifyCircuitService', 'Integrations::UnifyCircuit'),\n ('YoutrackService', 'Integrations::Youtrack'),\n ('WebexTeamsService', 'Integrations::WebexTeams'),\n\n -- EE-only integrations\n ('GithubService', 'Integrations::Github'),\n ('GitlabSlackApplicationService', 'Integrations::GitlabSlackApplication')\n)\n\nUPDATE integrations SET type_new = mapping.new_type\nFROM mapping\nWHERE =\n AND mapping.old_type = NEW.type;\nRETURN NULL;\n\nEND\n$$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL\n")
-> 0.0025s
== 20210818175949 UpdateIntegrationsTriggerTypeNewOnInsert: reverted (0.0026s)
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Related to #333506 (closed)
Edited by Markus Koller