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Add library to convert cron to human readable

Alexander Turinske requested to merge 339785-new-cron-library into master

What does this MR do and why?

Add library to convert cron to human readable

  • update policies list to convert cron to human readable

Why cRonstrue

I chose cRonstrue from prettycron for several reasons:

  • it provides all the dependencies it needs in the package, where prettycron separetely requires the user to install momentjs and laterjs
  • it is more active

Changelog: added

EE: true

Screenshots or screen recordings

Before After
Screen_Shot_2021-11-12_at_13.35.16 No change
Screen_Shot_2021-11-12_at_13.34.41 image
* * * * * image
0 23 * * * image
23 12 * * SUN#2 image
Screen_Shot_2021-11-12_at_13.34.41 a language that is supported es
Screen_Shot_2021-11-12_at_13.34.41 a language that is NOT supported pt-BR

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Follow the scan execution creation snippet to create some scan execution policies
  2. Navigate to Security & Compliance => Policies
  3. Create a policies with various schedules
  4. Verify the policy detail drawer in the policy list

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #339785 (closed)

Edited by Alexander Turinske

Merge request reports
