Migration to correct the data inconsistency regarding vulnerability state
This MR introduces a database migration to correct the state of the vulnerability state. It checks the dismissed_at value, and if set, the state should be DISMISSED.
Related to #364356 (closed)
Database Migration
bundle exec rails db:migrate
main: == 20220630151641 ScheduleSetCorrectVulnerabilityState: migrating =============
main: == 20220630151641 ScheduleSetCorrectVulnerabilityState: migrated (0.1387s) ====
bundle exec rails db:migrate:down:main VERSION=20220630151641
main: == 20220630151641 ScheduleSetCorrectVulnerabilityState: reverting =============
main: == 20220630151641 ScheduleSetCorrectVulnerabilityState: reverted (0.0479s) ====
Query Analysis
UPDATE vulnerabilities
SET state=2
WHERE dismissed_at is not null
AND vulnerabilities.id BETWEEN 100000 AND 101000
Analysis: https://postgres.ai/console/gitlab/gitlab-production-tunnel-pg12/sessions/10982/commands/39457
Time: 270.245 ms
- planning: 6.346 ms
- execution: 263.899 ms
- I/O read: 228.984 ms
- I/O write: 0.000 ms
Shared buffers:
- hits: 6466 (~50.50 MiB) from the buffer pool
- reads: 702 (~5.50 MiB) from the OS file cache, including disk I/O
- dirtied: 387 (~3.00 MiB)
- writes: 7 (~56.00 KiB)
Time calculation for background migration
- Total number of records in
- Batch size:
- Sub-batch size:
- Total no. of batches:
- Estimated time per batch:
- No. of updates per sub-batch: 20
270.245 ms
for updating with500
items - Sub-batch total:
~0.27 s
per sub-batch - Total batch time:
.27 * 20
=5.4 sec
per batch
- Time interval:
2 minutes
- Total Time:
4590 * 2.09
~=9593 minutes
~=159.885 hours
~=6.66 days
Edited by Subashis Chakraborty