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Move note for upgrade patch closer to the paths table

Anton Starovoytov requested to merge astarovoytov-upgrade-path-move-notes into master

What does this MR do and why?

Support team noticed in last tickets that customers experience confusion with the target minor(patch) version in Upgrade Path. For example, if the upgrade path specifies 14.3.5, but newer 14.3.6 is available, then customers need to upgrade to 14.3.6. As the Upgrade Path is being changed manually, sometimes there is discrepancy in the latest release version and the recommended version on the path.

We have notes for this on the top of the page, but everyone (including Support Team members) checks Upgrade Path in the middle of the page.

This change is to move the Note covering minor version upgrade closer to the Upgrade Path to reduce the confusion and misunderstanding.

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