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Enhance regex for test name to output results

Nailia Iskhakova (OOO) requested to merge fix-empty-results into master

Staging was failing with 500 error today and so pipeline failed, but there was an issue with that some test names were empty in output:

* Environment:    Staging
* Version:        - `-`
* Option:         20s_2rps
* Date:           2019-12-02
* Run Time:       687.72s (Start: 01:07:14 UTC, End: 01:18:42 UTC)
NAME                                                     | RPS | RPS RESULT       | RESPONSE P95 | REQUEST RESULTS | RESULT
api_v4_groups_group                                      | 2/s | 1.9/s (>1.60/s)  | 880.93ms     | 76.31% (>95%)   | Failed
api_v4_groups_projects                                   | 2/s | 1.95/s (>1.60/s) | 228.93ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_deploy_keys                              | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 274.48ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_languages                                | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 272.86ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_merge_requests                           | 2/s | 1.5/s (>0.80/s)  | 2132.32ms    | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_merge_requests_merge_request             | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 227.86ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_merge_requests_merge_request_changes     | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 160.77ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_merge_requests_merge_request_commits     | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 201.61ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_merge_requests_merge_request_discussions | 2/s | 1.85/s (>0.80/s) | 687.42ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_project                                  | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 360.92ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_project_pipelines                        | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 288.13ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_project_search_blobs                     | 2/s | 1.9/s (>0.80/s)  | 325.90ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_repository_branches_branch               | 2/s | 2.0/s (>0.80/s)  | 251.95ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_repository_commits                       | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 287.50ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_repository_commits_sha                   | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 200.44ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_repository_commits_sha_diff              | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 179.65ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_repository_commits_sha_signature         | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 231.48ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_repository_files_file                    | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 210.56ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_repository_files_file_raw                | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 487.10ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_projects_repository_tree                          | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 205.94ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
api_v4_user                                              | 2/s | 2.0/s (>1.60/s)  | 198.80ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
                                                         | 2/s | 0.9/s (>0.80/s)  | 894.65ms     | 50.00% (>95%)   | Failed
git_pull                                                 | 1/s | 1.0/s (>0.80/s)  | 603.06ms     | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
scenario_api_new_issues                                  | 1/s | 1.2/s (>0.80/s)  | 1085.58ms    | 100.00% (>95%)  | Passed
                                                         | 1/s | 0.55/s (>0.80/s) | 5228.85ms    | 81.81% (>95%)   | Failed
                                                         | 1/s | 0.45/s (>0.80/s) | 6394.62ms    | 88.88% (>95%)   | Failed
                                                         | 1/s | 0.05/s (>0.80/s) | 10211.93ms   | 0.00% (>95%)    | Failed
                                                         | 1/s | 0.05/s (>0.80/s) | 10210.89ms   | 0.00% (>95%)    | Failed
                                                         | 1/s | 0.1/s (>0.80/s)  | 9725.80ms    | 50.00% (>95%)   | Failed
                                                         | 1/s | 0.15/s (>0.80/s) | 9188.13ms    | 33.33% (>95%)   | Failed
                                                         | 1/s | 0.15/s (>0.80/s) | 9235.54ms    | 66.66% (>95%)   | Failed
                                                         | 1/s | 0.4/s (>0.80/s)  | 6862.66ms    | 87.50% (>95%)   | Failed


The problem here was that failing message had href=\"javascript:history.back() in error output and so the regex /script:/ used this line to look for test name and couldn't find one, so it was empty:

time="2019-12-02T01:14:43Z" level=warning msg="Error detected: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n  <meta content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1\" name=\"viewport\">\n  <title>Something went wrong (500)</title>\n  <style>\n    body {\n      color: #666;\n      text-align: center;\n      font-family: \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\n      margin: auto;\n      font-size: 14px;\n    }\n\n    h1 {\n      font-size: 56px;\n      line-height: 100px;\n      font-weight: 400;\n      color: #456;\n    }\n\n    h2 {\n      font-size: 24px;\n      color: #666;\n      line-height: 1.5em;\n    }\n\n    h3 {\n      color: #456;\n      font-size: 20px;\n      font-weight: 400;\n      line-height: 28px;\n    }\n\n    hr {\n      max-width: 800px;\n      margin: 18px auto;\n      border: 0;\n      border-top: 1px solid #EEE;\n      border-bottom: 1px solid white;\n    }\n\n    img {\n      max-width: 40vw;\n      display: block;\n      margin: 40px auto;\n    }\n\n    a {\n      line-height: 100px;\n      font-weight: 400;\n      color: #4A8BEE;\n      font-size: 18px;\n      text-decoration: none;\n    }\n\n    .container {\n      margin: auto 20px;\n    }\n\n    .go-back {\n      display: none;\n    }\n\n  </style>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n  <a href=\"/\">\n    <img src=\"\"\n       alt=\"GitLab Logo\" />\n  </a>\n  <h1>\n    500\n  </h1>\n  <div class=\"container\">\n    <h3>Whoops, something went wrong on our end.</h3>\n    <hr />\n    <p>Try refreshing the page, or going back and attempting the action again.</p>\n    <p>Please contact your GitLab administrator if this problem persists.</p>\n    <a href=\"javascript:history.back()\" class=\"js-go-back go-back\">Go back</a>\n  </div>\n  <script>\n    (function () {\n      var goBack = document.querySelector('.js-go-back');\n\n      if (history.length > 1) {\n = 'inline';\n      }\n    })();\n  </script>\n</body>\n</html>\n'"


Enhance regex to search for a string starting with script: ignoring whitespaces in the beginning of the string: /^\s*script: /

Merge request reports
