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Add script to list failed review app deploy jobs

Albert Salim requested to merge add-failed-review-app-script into master

Adding a script to list failed review app deploy jobs in gitlab-org/gitlab.

$ bundle exec bin/failed_review_app_deploys_report --help
Usage: bin/failed_review_app_deploys_report [options]

    -t, --token ACCESS_TOKEN         A valid access token
        --hours HOURS                Number of hours to look back
    -d, --debug                      Print debugging information
    -h, --help                       Print help message


$ bundle exec bin/failed_review_apps_report --hours 5
|      id      |       name      |           created_at           |    status    |                            web_url                           |
|    404966883 | review-deploy   | 2020-01-16T06:31:17.985Z       | failed       |        |
Edited by Albert Salim

Merge request reports
