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Use a standalone section for full bugs heat map


  • Title: Plan group issues requiring attention
  • Description: Heat map for bugs:
~S1 ~S2 ~S3 ~S4 ~"No severity"
~P1 0 0 0 0 0
~P2 0 6 6 2 0
~P3 0 14 130 16 0
~P4 0 2 148 124 0
~"No priority" 2 0 3 3 3

Hi @ebrinkman,

Here is a list of feature proposals without a milestone.

We would like to ask you to determine whether this issue should be scheduled or closed. For each issue please:

For the issues triaged please check off the box in front of the given issue.

Please work with your team to complete the list this week.

  • #63765 Add more column to a CSV import in Issues. ~"Plan", ~"feature", ~"group::team planning", issues
  • #63718 Support disabled tasks in issues/MRs ~"Plan", ~"feature", task management
  • #63616 Simplify creation of issues over email ~"Plan", ~"feature", ~"group::team planning", issues
  • #63598 Feature request: Customisable security issue severities ~"Plan", devopsplan, ~"feature", ~"group::enterprise planning", labels
  • #63495 Improved escalation process for overdue issues with certain labels ~"Plan", ~"Secure", devopsplan, ~"feature", internal customer
  • #63370 Add ability to query epics from GraphQL API ~"Category::Agile Portfolio Management", ~"Plan", auto updated, devopsplan, epics, ~"feature", ~"group::enterprise planning"
  • #63306 Make the style of list in Projects and Groups consistent ~"Plan", UX, devopsplan, ~"feature"
  • #63183 Move the markdown editor to a third-party component, or refactor to roll our own ~"Plan", ~"backstage", devopsplan, ~"feature", frontend, ~"technical debt"
  • #63179 Merge Request Pipeline JIRA ID validation as per JIRA ID valid or not and also ID should be in OPEN/INPROGRESS state to proceed Merge Request pipeline ~"Jira", ~"Plan", ~"Verify", devopsplan, ~"feature", ~"group::team planning", pipeline
  • #63118 Manipulate issues when merging MR ~"Category::Issue Boards", ~"Plan", customer, devopsplan, ~"feature", ~"group::team planning", issues, merge requests
  • #63108 Usability improvements for in-product roadmaps ~"Plan", devopsplan, ~"feature", internal customer, meta
  • #63040 Make it possible to automatically insert the target issue title in addition to the ID when refering to issues or when duplicating an issue to another ~"Plan", devopsplan, ~"feature", ~"group::team planning"
  • #62897 [Feature Request] Option to calculate Milestone progress ~"Category::Time Tracking", ~"Plan", devopsplan, ~"feature", ~"group::team planning", milestones
  • #62874 Docs feedback - feature proposal: Add closed_by and/or closed_after to Issues API ~"Plan", api, devopsplan, ~"feature", ~"group::team planning", issues
  • #62780 'Grey out'/signpost issues with unresolved dependencies ~"Category::Issue Boards", ~"Plan", devopsplan, ~"feature", ~"group::team planning"

/assign @ebrinkman

Hi @donaldcook,

Here is a list of frontend bugs without severity and priority for the team.

We would like to ask you to work with your team to triage the issues in this list. For each issue please:

  • Close the issue if it is no longer relevant or a duplicate.
  • Assign a Priority and a Severity Label.
  • Assign either a versioned milestone or to the %Backlog milestone.

The definition of these labels are defined at:

For the issues triaged please check off the box in front of the given issue.

Please work with your team to complete the list this week.

  • #63548 Inline math doesn't work for RTL languages ~"Plan", ~"S3", ~"bug", devopsplan, frontend, ~"group::team planning", markdown
  • #63300 Export as CSV button does not scale on mobile ~"Plan", UX, ~"bug", devopsplan, frontend, ~"group::team planning"

/assign @donaldcook

Hi @smcgivern,

Here is a list of bugs without severity and priority for the team.

We would like to ask you to work with your team to triage the issues in this list. For each issue please:

  • Close the issue if it is no longer relevant or a duplicate.
  • Assign a Priority and a Severity Label.
  • Assign either a versioned milestone or to the %Backlog milestone.

The definition of these labels are defined at:

For the issues triaged please check off the box in front of the given issue.

Please work with your team to complete the list this week.

  • #63735 Chinese Label not work through a template ~"Plan", ~"S4", ~"bug", devopsplan, ~"internationalization", labels
  • #63734 Unable to remove imported github project label ~"Plan", ~"bug", customer, devopsplan, ~"group::team planning", labels, needs investigation
  • #63730 Showing 500 on page /admin/labels ~"Plan", ~"S1", ~"bug", devopsplan, ~"group::team planning", labels
  • #63648 Clicking on a milestone's "xyz issue" link can lead to apparently wrong result of 0 issues found ~"Plan", ~"S3", ~"bug", devopsplan, ~"group::team planning", milestones
  • #63608 Project homepage not sorted correctly since 12.0.0 ~"Category::Project Management", ~"Plan", ~"S1", ~"bug", devopsplan, regression, regression:12.0
  • #63606 Leading % character in rendered milestone status ~"Plan", ~"S4", UX, ~"bug", devopsplan, milestones
  • #63521 UTF-8 encoded SVG with BOM are detected as text/plain ~"Plan", ~"S4", banzai, ~"bug", devopsplan, ~"group::team planning", markdown
  • #63287 Header logo size ~"Plan", ~"bug", emails
  • #63519 project searching pagination bug ~"Plan", ~"S3", awaiting feedback, ~"bug", devopsplan, ~"filter bar", ~"group::team planning"

/assign @smcgivern

/label ~Plan
/label ~"triage-package"
/due in 7 days

This is a group level triage package that aims to collate the latest bug reports (for frontend and otherwise) and feature proposals. For more information please refer to the handbook:

Closes #166 (closed)

Edited by Lin Jen-Shin

Merge request reports
