Add a one-off policy to add the 'group::autodevops and kubernetes' label to Configure issues/MRs that don't have the 'Serverless' label
This MR shouldn't be merged.
Expected impact
Based on the dry-run at
Open issues
› grep '[^/]*' opened-issues.txt -o | cut -d '/' -f 5 | sort | uniq -c | sort -r
270 gitlab-ce
33 gitlab-ee
4 gitlab-services
3 quality
3 gitlab-ui
2 ux-research
2 gitlab-development-kit
1 release
1 gitlab-design
1 gitlab-ci-yml
1 cluster-integration
Closed issues
› grep '[^/]*' closed-issues.txt -o | cut -d '/' -f 5 | sort | uniq -c | sort -r
325 gitlab-ce
43 gitlab-ee
38 uxr_insights
13 gitlab-qa
9 quality
9 gitlab-ui
7 gitlab-services
7 gitlab-ci-yml
3 ux-research
3 gitlab-development-kit
3 cluster-integration
1 project-templates
1 gitlab-design
1 frontend
Open MRs
› grep '[^/]*' opened-mrs.txt -o | cut -d '/' -f 5 | sort | uniq -c | sort -r
14 gitlab-ce
3 gitlab-ui
2 cluster-integration
2 charts
1 license-gitlab-com
1 gitlab-services
Merged MRs
› grep '[^/]*' merged-mrs.txt -o | cut -d '/' -f 5 | sort | uniq -c | sort -r
390 gitlab-ce
88 gitlab-ee
34 cluster-integration
23 gitlab-ui
11 gitlab-development-kit
7 gitlab-services
7 gitlab-ci-yml
4 gitlab-docs
1 project-templates
1 gitlab-qa
1 gitlab-eslint-config
1 gitaly
1 charts
Closed MRs
› grep '[^/]*' closed-mrs.txt -o | cut -d '/' -f 5 | sort | uniq -c | sort -r
76 gitlab-ce
22 gitlab-ee
2 gitlab-ui
2 gitlab-ci-yml
1 gitlab-insights
1 gitlab-development-kit
1 charts
Edited by Rémy Coutable