Show parent message in the thread message feed
Closes #2190 (closed)
remove code that puts messages from initial render to Vuex store -
display parent message when opening thread message feed -
support KaTeX styles from Vue less loader -
update messageMap when changing room -
update messageMap when live-loading new messages / updating messages -
update messageMap with messages fetched during scrolling -
update messageMap when submitting/updating a new message -
make the thread-message-feed>chat-item
style more compact -
format sent date and show it -
handle trimming of user and message info in small space -
dark theme -
make KaTeX fonts work in both the old less and the Vue styles
Testing strategy
Add the feature toggle,
node ./scripts/utils/feature-toggle.js --name threaded-conversations --description "Enabling discussion in a thread #741"
Enable the feature toggle
click on actions menu on a message in the main message feed
select "Start a thread"
see the parent message showing in the thread message feed
toggle dark theme and see parent message in the thread message feed
close the thread message feed - the right toolbar should show
open the thread message feed again and change room - TMF should be closed and the right toolbar opened
error message
- create a new message and start a thread from it
- delete the message in the main message feed
- scroll up to trigger collection synchronisation
- you should see an error message: Error: The message for this thread is unavailable. It was probably deleted.
test messages:
- katex
$$|\vec{A}|=\sqrt{A_x^2 + A_y^2 + A_z^2}.$$(1)
- multiline code highlighting (using three `)
- katex
Edited by Tomas Vik