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Fix missing unreads in left-menu after sleeping/suspending computer (conflicting realtime subscription)

Fix missing unreads in left-menu after sleeping/suspending computer

Use the existing troupe live collection(troupeCollections.troupes from public/js/collections/instances/troupes.js) and listen to events instead of trying to create another conflicting realtime subscription


Testing strategy

Testing that unreads come through after sleeping

  1. Test this MR on beta-staging or setup your Gitter instance so you can access it over your local network(you can see my config/config.user-overrides.json below)
    • If testing locally, you will also have trouble signing in because the GitHub OAuth callbacks are still pointing at localhost:5000. You can sign in by (get your access token from Mongo or just window.troupeContext.accessToken in your browser from a localhost:5000 intance)
  2. On one computer, bring up Gitter at some room (different from where you will be sending the messages)
  3. Sleep that computer and wait a bit to make sure the computer is actually asleep
  4. On another computer go to a room and send some messages
  5. Wake up other computer
  6. Wait for the realtime websockets connection to reconnect (this may take a little bit)
  7. Notice the left-menu updates with the unread count

Testing the new live-context.js

  1. You can run window.localStorage.debug = 'app:live-context'; in your browser devtools to better see the events coming through
  2. Go into a room
  3. In another tab, send some messages in the same room and notice events that update the unreadItems accordingly
  4. Go to a different room
  5. Send more messages and notice how those updates are ignored

If you want to test the roomMember: false, in your browser devtools turn on the preserve log setting. Then leave the room in another tab.

Dev notes

Some debugging/troubleshooting thoughts here,

window.localStorage.debug = 'app:live-context';
window.localStorage.debug = 'vue:data-bridge,grc:live-collection,app:unread-items-client,grc:client';
window._troupeCollections.troupes.models.filter(room => room.get('uri') === 'duxxy/Lobby')[0].get('unreadItems')


  "web": {
    "domain": "localhost",
    "baseserver": "localhost",
    "basepath": "http://localhost:5000",
    "apiBasePath": "http://localhost:5000/api",
    "badgeBaseUrl": "http://localhost:4000",

    "apiRateLimit": 1000
  "errorReporting": {
    "enabled": true

  "cdn": {
    "use": false,
    "hosts": ["localhost:5001"]
  "ws": {
    "fayeUrl": "http://localhost:5000/bayeux"
Edited by Eric Eastwood

Merge request reports
