Init group repo analytics vue app on group repo analytics page 0 of 13 checklist items completedgitlab!42385 13.4
Community Contribution: rewrite code_review_analytics.md 0 of 19 checklist items completed
Few improvement to run GDK in the cloud 0 of 4 checklist items completed
Fix replication view for terraform 0 of 13 checklist items completedgitlab!42019 13.4
gitlab-org/charts/gitlab!1492 13.4
omnibus-gitlab!4565 13.4 13-3-stable
fix: gitaly_go_prereceive_hook typo 0 of 13 checklist items completed
Draft: Add ability to add dynamic filters 0 of 13 checklist items completed
Simplify type checks in note mutations 4 of 4 checklist items completedgitlab!41165 13.4
Draft: POC Main.JS Reduction 0 of 13 checklist items completedgitlab!41675 13.4
Removed unused HAML templates 3 of 3 checklist items completed
Draft: Add approved meta to MR Analytics Throughput table 0 of 8 checklist items completed
GitLab UI: update-sorting-component-styles-to-pajamas integration test 0 of 13 checklist items completed
GitLab UI: update-sorting-component-styles-to-pajamas integration test 0 of 13 checklist items completed
Prepare for dropping REST support and adding analyzers configuration 0 of 13 checklist items completed
Add . to end of auto-generated GraphQL docs. 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Draft: Use safe navigation in calculate_seats_in_use 1 of 5 checklist items completed