- Merged
- 8
- Approved
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gitlab!158004 17.3Category:Secret Detection Technical Writing devopsapplication security testing documentation groupsecret detection maintenanceremoval missed:17.2 pipelinetier-3 pipeline:mr-approved release post release post item release post itemdeprecation releasedpublished sectionsec typemaintenance workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 13
- Approved
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Improve instructions on how to enable Dependency Scanning 0 of 12 checklist items completed
- Merged
- 15
- Approved
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feat(importer): stop importing all repositories if tags table is not empty 7 of 22 checklist items completed
- Merged
- 4
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updated -
Add customer portal instructions for helm chart users 4 of 14 checklist items completedomnibus-gitlab!7766 17.3
Documentation changes to account for rake setup_ai_gateway command 0 of 9 checklist items completed
- Merged
- 46
- Approved
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Use neutral, not agnostic 0 of 12 checklist items completed
- Merged
- 10
- Approved
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UBI: move to ubi9, remove version from suffix 4 of 9 checklist items completed
- Merged
- 15
- Approved
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- Merged
- 7
- Approved
updated -
- Merged
- 67
- Approved
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- Merged
- 24
- Approved
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- Merged
- 50
- Approved
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gitlab!157928 17.3Category:Team Planning Deliverable Technical Writing UI text UX backend devopsplan docsfeature documentation featureenhancement frontend groupproject management missed-deliverable missed:16.10 missed:17.1 missed:17.2 pipelinetier-3 pipeline:mr-approved release post item releasedpublished rspec:slow test detected sectiondev twdoing typefeature workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 54
- Approved
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- Merged
- 22
- Approved
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Improve printing functionality 0 of 1 checklist item completed
- Merged
- 12
- Approved
updated -
- Merged
- 12
- Approved
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gitlab!157899 17.3Category:Pipeline Composition Technical Writing UI text UX backend development guidelines devopsverify docsimprovement documentation frontend grouppipeline authoring maintenancerefactor pipelinetier-3 pipeline:mr-approved releasedpublished rspec:slow test detected sectionci typemaintenance workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 52
- Approved