Fix Git LFS link in UI, build better cross-references 0 of 12 checklist items completedgitlab!160462 17.4
- Merged
- 35
- Approved
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gitlab!160574 17.4Data WarehouseNot Impacted backend database database-testing-automation databaseapproved devopssoftware supply chain security groupthreat insights maintenanceperformance pipelinetier-3 pipeline:mr-approved pipeline:run-all-rspec releasedpublished sec-decomposition sectionsec typemaintenance workflowproduction
- Merged
- 22
- Approved
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Update dependency ai-gateway to v1.15.0 0 of 1 checklist item completed
- Merged
- 7
- Approved
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gitlab!160579 17.4GitLab Ultimate ReachLarge Threat InsightsPerformance backend bugfunctional customer database database-testing-automation databaseapproved devopssoftware supply chain security groupthreat insights missed:17.3 pipelinetier-3 pipeline:mr-approved pipeline:skip-check-migrations releasedpublished sectionsec self-managed severity3 typebug workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 66
- Approved
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- Merged
- 21
- Approved
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- Merged
- 11
- Approved
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gitlab!160672 17.4CI data partitioning Category:Continuous Integration Data WarehouseNot Impacted Deliverable backend ciscaling cicdactive database database-testing-automation databaseapproved devopsverify groupci platform maintenancescalability pipelinetier-3 pipeline:mr-approved pipeline:skip-check-migrations releasedpublished sectionci typemaintenance workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 20
- Approved
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gitlab!160593 17.4Category:Code Review Workflow Deliverable backend database databaseapproved devopscreate documentation featureenhancement frontend groupcode review missed-deliverable missed:17.3 pipelinetier-3 pipeline:mr-approved releasedpublished rspec:slow test detected sectiondev twtriaged typefeature workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 55
- Approved
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Rename doc to merge request approval policies 0 of 12 checklist items completedgitlab!160676 17.4
- Merged
- 21
- Approved
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gitlab!160710 17.4CI data partitioning Category:Continuous Integration Data WarehouseNot Impacted Deliverable backend ciscaling cicdactive database database-testing-automation databaseapproved devopsverify groupci platform maintenancescalability pipelinetier-3 pipeline:mr-approved releasedpublished sectionci typemaintenance workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 21
- Approved
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- Merged
- 105
- Approved
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Fix: Markdown Editor Reflects Changes in Autocomplete Data Sources 0 of 1 checklist item completed
- Merged
- 31
- Approved
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- Merged
- 50
- Approved
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- Merged
- 9
- Approved
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gitlab!160959 17.4Next1-3 releases Roadmap Technical Writing UI text analytics instrumentation analytics instrumentationapproved backend devopsdata stores feature flag frontend global searchcode search groupglobal search missed:17.3 needs weight pipelinetier-3 pipeline:mr-approved releasedpublished sectioncore platform typefeature workflowpost-deploy-db-production
- Merged
- 120
- Approved