go: Update module google.golang.org/grpc to v1.66.2 - autoclosed 0 of 1 checklist item completedgitlab-org/cluster-integration/gitlab-agent!1765 17.4
Update sla enforcer processor 0 of 5 checklist items completedgitlab-org/quality/triage-ops!3025 17.4
Add nil check for @start to avoid errors when report_start isn't called 2 of 9 checklist items completedgitlab-development-kit!4011 17.4
gitlab!165358 17.4Category:Security Policy Management Stretch backend customer development guidelines devopssoftware supply chain security docsimprovement documentation frontend groupsecurity policies maintenancerefactor pipelinetier-3 pipeline:mr-approved priority3 sectionsec severity3 typemaintenance workflowin dev
Update dependency @gitlab/stylelint-config to v6.2.2 0 of 1 checklist item completed
Fix missing GDK::Shellout change in Chromedriver diagnostic 1 of 9 checklist items completedgitlab-development-kit!4044 17.4
Storage Usage Quotas Improvements 0 of 1 checklist item completed
Fix poetry not found issue in mise in AI Gateway setup 2 of 9 checklist items completedgitlab-development-kit!4031 17.4
Fix poetry not found issue in mise in Duo Workflow service 2 of 9 checklist items completedgitlab-development-kit!4036 17.4
Fix Stacked Diff MR creation in forks 0 of 6 checklist items completed
Draft: Allow goimport version to be customized 0 of 1 checklist item completedgitlab-org/security-products/ci-templates!405 17.4