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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.20.1
    fb263400 · ## 0.20.1 ·
    * Added `one_hot` function.
    * Added experimental suit generator that wraps a generator and produces counts for all suits for each value.
  • 0.20.0
    1160cc07 · 0.20.0 ·
    * Retired `denominator_method`.
    * Renamed `max_depth` parameters to just `depth`.
    * Binary operators delegate to `Again`'s behavior.
    * Only single outcomes implicity convert to `Die`.
    * `marginals` is now a Sequence, and can be iterated over, unpacked, etc.
    * `Die.sub()` now expands extra die arguments into their outcomes.
  • 0.19.1
    082b85a8 · 0.19.1 ·
  • 0.19.0
    d90b02c5 · 0.19.0 ·
    New experimental feature: `Again()`, a placeholder that allows to roll again with some modification.
    * `**kwargs` are forwarded to the constructor of the yielded or returned die for `sub`, `if_else`, `reduce`, `accumulate`, `apply`, `apply_sorted`.
    * Add optional `final_kwargs` method to evaluators.
    * Rename `max_depth` parameter of `sub()` to `repeat`.
  • 0.18.0
    a9ab369f · 0.18.0 ·
    * Rename `Die.reduce()` to `Die.simplify()` to avoid confusion with the free function `reduce()`.
    * Rename `OutcomeCountEvaluator.direction()` to `order()` and add explicitly named `Order` enums.
    * Add `is_in`, `count`, and `count_in` methods to dice.
    * Add built-in evaluators as convenience functions of `OutcomeCountGenerator`.
  • 0.17.4
    c8c6b7ad · 0.17.4 ·
    * Fixes to `max_depth=None` case of `sub()`.
    * This is now marked experimental.
  • 0.17.3
    01cb9702 · 0.17.3 ·
    Pass `star` parameter to `sub()` to recursive calls.
  • 0.17.2
    5673c9f9 · 0.17.2 ·
    * `sub()` with `max_depth=None` now handles "monotonic" transitions with finite states. Full absorbing Markov chain calculation still under consideration.
    * `sub()` no longer accept sequence input.
    * Some minor formatting fixes.
  • 0.17.1
    610b18e4 · 0.17.1 ·
    * Standardize outcome count of `bernoulli`/`coin` and comparators.
    * `standard_pool` now accepts a `dict` argument.
    * `post_roll_counts` renamed again to `sorted_roll_counts`.
    * `apply_sorted` can be subscripted to set the `sorted_roll_counts`.
    * Pools are no longer resizable after creation.
    * `Die.pool()` now has mandatory argument, now accepts a sequence argument to set `sorted_roll_counts`.
  • 0.17.0
    3c486113 · 0.17.0 ·
    More renaming, experimental `sample()` methods.
    * Both `Die` and `Deck` now have `quantities` rather than `weight`, `dups`, etc.
    * Many `Die` methods moved to base class and are now available to `Deck`.
    * "Eval" is now the full word "Evaluator".
    * Parameter and method names are no longer prefixed with "num_".
    * `reduce_weights` renamed back to `reduce`.
    * `Deck`s can be formatted like `Die`.
    * Allow formatting 0-1 probability.
    * Experimental `sample()` methods for `OutcomeCountGenerator` and `OutcomeCountEvaluator`.
  • 0.16.1
    a3cfc6ed · 0.16.1 ·
    Development of deck API.
    * Separate `Deal` class from `Deck`, roughly analogous to `Pool` vs. `Die`.
    * `Deal` can now output multiple hands. The counts for each hand are provided in order to `eval.next_state`.
    * `comb_row` now uses iterative rather than recursive memoization. This will prevent some stack overflows.
    * `Pool`s are not permitted to be constructed using a raw `Die` or `Deck` argument.
    * `reduce` argument of `Die.equals()` renamed to `reduce_weights`.
  • 0.16.0
    323d05c4 · 0.16.0 ·
    Significant API changes, experimental deck support.
    * Experimental `Deck` class. API still very unstable.
    * `Pool`s, `Deck`s, and internal Alignment now have a common base class `OutcomeCountGen`.
    * `EvalPool` renamed to `OutcomeCountEval`.
    * `Die` and `Deck` are now proper `Mapping`s with `keys`, `values`, and `items`.
    * The above view types can also be accessed like sequences.
    * A `Die` is now always considered not `equal()` to non-`Die`.
    * `die[]` now works like a dict. Use `marginals[]` to marginalize dimensions.
    * `Die`, `Pool`, and `Deck` now take a single sequence or mapping argument rather than a variable number of arguments.
    * `Die`, `Pool`, and `Deck` now all have the same name for the second argument: `times`.
    * `count_dice` renamed to `post_roll_counts`. No longer accepts `None`, use `[:]` instead.
    * Linear algorithm for comparators on `Die`.
    * Improvements to internal `Count` class.
    * Add `clear_pool_cache` function.
    * Forward `*extra_args` for `reroll, reroll_until, explode`.
  • 0.15.0
    436b1de0 · 0.15.0 ·
    Added type hints. Now requires Python 3.10 or later.
    Other changes:
    * Add `apply_sorted()` method.
    * Add `Die.set_range()`.
    * `standard()` / `d()` argument is now positional-only.
  • m1.0
  • m1a0
  • 0.14.1
    21dfabe8 · 0.14.1 ·
    Reinstate alternate internal `EvalPool` algorithm, which provides better performance in some cases.
  • 0.14.0
    82877517 · 0.14.0 ·
    * Added a new `EvalPool.alignment()` method. This allows to specify an iterable of outcomes that should always be seen by `next_state` even if they have zero count.
    * The free function `d()` is now simply an alias for `standard()`.
    * Removed `Die.d()`.
    * The `@` operator now casts the right side to a `Die` like other operators.
    * Some internal changes to `EvalPool` algorithm.
  • 0.13.2
    3703bd73 · 0.13.2 ·
    The data of a die resulting from `==` or `!=` is lazily evaluated.
    This saves computation in case the caller is only interested in the truth value.
  • 0.13.1
    4bf2d413 · 0.13.1 ·
    `EvalPool` favors the cached direction more.
  • 0.13.0
    a5414b72 · 0.13.0 ·
    Major reworking of pool construction.
    * Public constructor is now just `Pool(*dice)`.
    * In particular, no more `truncate_min` or `truncate_max` arguments.
    * Pools can be of arbitrary dice, though non-truncative sets of dice will have lower performance. There is some performance penalty overall.
    * `apply()` called with no arguments now calls `func` once with no arguments.