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  • santiagogustavo's avatar
    (+) Massive update, configs re-creation with create-react-app · 16d97905
    santiagogustavo authored
    - Generates a new project using create-react-app, and configure it
    using some of the previous Babel, Eslint and Package.json configs
    - Remove unused .env files, update with new instructions
    - Move files from public to src, in order to avoid ModuleResolverPath
    warnings and errors
    (+) Massive update, configs re-creation with create-react-app
    santiagogustavo authored
    - Generates a new project using create-react-app, and configure it
    using some of the previous Babel, Eslint and Package.json configs
    - Remove unused .env files, update with new instructions
    - Move files from public to src, in order to avoid ModuleResolverPath
    warnings and errors