Pin GitLab to v6.8.0-ee
Include the platform version
Use binstubs
Namespace packages
Update CA certs
Pin gitlab-rails to 6.8.1
Pin gitlab-rails at 6.7.4-ee
GitLab v6.7.5
Pin GitLab to v6.7.3-ee.
Pin GitLab to v6.7.3-ee
Update openssl to 1.0.1g (CVE-2014-0160)
Update OpenSSL to 1.0.1g (CVE-2014-0160)
Pin gitlab-rails to 6.7.2-ee
Update libyaml to 0.1.6
Pin gitlab to v6.7.3
Pin gitlab-rails to 6.7.1-ee
Pin GitLab to v6.7.2