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  • AMRowsell's avatar
    This is the initial state of the project. · 16a5beb5
    AMRowsell authored
    Actually, it's the state after quite a bit of experimentation
    and tweaking. I tried playing around with the number of encoded
    channels, as well as generating two separate "streams", one for
    each stereo channel. And finally, the two channels swap every other
    sample, which has some neat stereo-esque effects.
    I'm quite pleased with how this has turned out so far.
    This is the initial state of the project.
    AMRowsell authored
    Actually, it's the state after quite a bit of experimentation
    and tweaking. I tried playing around with the number of encoded
    channels, as well as generating two separate "streams", one for
    each stereo channel. And finally, the two channels swap every other
    sample, which has some neat stereo-esque effects.
    I'm quite pleased with how this has turned out so far.
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