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fixes for first installation on local dev

Julien_P requested to merge julien-onboarding into main

Some progress for a smoother onboarding...


  • I cloned the repo (branch main) somewhere completely new in my laptop
  • I completely deleted the /prisma/migrations folder
  • I created a new and empty Postgres database called datami-pro-test
  • then did the following steps :

Local install

Install the dependencies :

# use current version of node
nvm use

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Install ngrok on your machine (optional)
brew install ngrok

# Create local .env file from example
cp .env.example .env
# ... and the put the correct values in your new .env file

So in the .env file I have line 19 (change w/ your username and password :


Generate the tables in the new datami-pro-test database

Before running the app for the first time, generate the postgreSQL tables with prisma :

npm run prisma:migrate:dev
npm run prisma:generate

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000:

# Usual dev server
npm run dev



It seems to run =>


Edited by Julien_P

Merge request reports
