1.6.2 protectede0014bc0 · ·
Dependency upgrades ### Dependencies Builds use: - Dokka for MkDocs 0.5.0 - Gradle Develocity 3.19.2
1.6.1 protectedb7b711b0 · ·
Kotlin 2.1.10 ### Dependencies Projects use: - Kotlin 2.1.10 - Compose Multiplatform 1.7.3 Builds use: - Dokka for MkDocs 0.4.3 - Gradle Develocity 3.19.1 - Kover 0.9.1
1.6.0 protected7b8d9c40 · ·
Kotlin 2.1.0, Dokka v2, Dokka for MkDocs ### Kotlin - Enable Dokka for Material for MkDocs (!64) ### Dependencies Projects depend on: - Kotlin 2.1.0 (!62) - Compose Multiplatform 1.7.1 (!62) Projects use: - FooJay Resolver 0.9.0 (!63) - Develocity 3.19 (!63) - Kover 0.9 (!63) - Dokka 2.0.0 (!63) - Dokka for MkDocs 0.4.1 (!64) Plugins use: - Prepared 1.5.2 (!62)
1.5.2 protectede4fb7da5 · ·
Kotlin 2.0.20 and Power Assert in more Kotlin projects ### Kotlin - Moved Power Assert from 'kotlin.library' to 'kotlin.base' (!59) ### Dependencies Projects depend on: - Kotlin 2.0.20 - Compose Multiplatform 1.6.11 - Kover 0.8.3 - Prepared 1.5.0 - Kotest 5.9.1 Projects use: - Develocity 3.18 - Kotest Gradle plugin 6.0.0.M1 - Dokkatoo 2.4.0 Plugins use: - Gradle 8.10 ### Example - Use KotlinJS in the example (!53)
1.5.1 protectedc2c529f2 · ·
Power Assert and aligned Kotest plugin ### Settings - Added the Kotest multiplatform plugin to the version catalog (f623f7c2, !52) ### Dependencies Projects built with these conventions use: - Develocity 3.17.5 (ee17db6f) - Kover 0.8.1 (63bb9021) - Power Assert 2.0.0 (ea618ca3) Gradle plugins built with these conventions use: - Gradle 8.8 (!50) - Prepared 1.2.0 (0428aeb8)
1.5.0 protected8bbb5d98 · ·
Kotlin 2.0.0 ### Dependencies - Kotlin 2.0.0 (f79b1ea6, !49) - Compose Multiplatform 1.6.10 (130ddc79, !49)
1.4.0 protected2fd62c1a · ·
Develocity, kotlin-test ### Settings - Migrate from Gradle Enterprise to Develocity (!40) - Added the kotlin-test library to the convention catalog (!44) ### Dependencies Projects built from these conventions now use: - Dokkatoo 2.3.1 (70327a36, !43) Applications built from these conventions now use: - Java 22 (23568c70, !43) Plugins built from these conventions now use: - Prepared 1.0.1 (c8841ba3, !43)
1.3.0 protectedb91b15c2 · ·
K2 support ### Dependencies Projects built with these conventions depend on the libraries: - Kotlin 2.0.0-RC1 - Compose Multiplatform 1.6.2
1.2.1 protected7d2d1731 · ·
Dependency upgrades ### Dependencies Projects built with these conventions depend on the plugins: - Dokkatoo 2.3.0 (7fb1dff7, !37) - Nexus Publish (a11cb48f, !37) - Gradle Enterprise 3.17.1 (eda898c8, !37) Plugins built with these conventions depend on: - Gradle 8.7 (65ab04a2, !37) - Prepared 1.0.0 (19bfc7d4, !37), including the kotlin-test runner (afa65232, !37)
1.2.0 protectedb7dff517 · ·
Code coverage and MavenCentral metadata ### Kotlin - The abstractLibrary plugin configures code coverage with Kover (#15, !36) - Added the issue tracker and repository URL to the Maven Central publication (#26, !35)
1.1.2 protectedd9c16eaa · ·
Remove all Maven repository declarations ### Kotlin - The base plugin doesn't declare mavenCentral() and google() anymore (84e432bc, !32) ### Root - The root plugin doesn't declare mavenCentral() anymore (ae733e8d, !32) ### Dependencies - Dokkatoo 2.2.0 (d18fc9f3, !34)
1.1.1 protectedfd9c9363 · ·
Dependency resolution improvements, Compose Multiplatform 1.6.0 ### Plugin - Dependency repositories are not declared at the project level anymore, they should be declared at the build-level instead (fdf8d551, !30) - Prepared 1.0.0-rc.1 (4907f001, !29) ### Build and deployment - Easier configuration to includeBuild this repository (#25, !31) ### Versions - Compose Multiplatform 1.6.0 (c9d8c0e0, #25, !31)
1.1.0 protected08497f6e · ·
Build scans in CI ### Settings - Added a plugin to generate Gradle Build Scans in CI when the build fails (!27) ### Dependencies Projects built with these conventions use: - Dokkatoo 2.1.0 - FooJay Resolver 0.8.0
1.0.0-rc.1 protectedc9f67088 · ·
Dependency upgrades ### Dependencies The projects created using the conventions use: - Kotlin 1.9.22 (!26) - Compose Multiplatform 1.5.12 (!26) - Java 21 (for applications, not for libraries, !25)
0.3.4 protectede3ea5b00 · ·
Publication fixes ### Build and deployment - Enable the configuration cache when publishing (0537bfdc, !22) - Fix incorrect dependencies for :versions:sourcesJar (79a0dde5, !22) - Publish versions for merge requests to catch publication issues earlier (1cba74f9, !23) - Only include the sources JAR for plugins instead of the entire Java component (85478d10, !23)
0.3.3 protected4fad1dfa · ·
Simplify Gradle plugin publishing ### Kotlin - The kotlin.application plugin doesn't apply Gradle's 'application' plugin anymore (#21, !19) - The kotlin.abstractLibrary and kotlin.library plugins configure the POM for Gradle Plugin Markers (#22, !20) ### Plugin - Add the sources JAR to generated Gradle Plugin Markers (#22, !20)
0.3.2 protectede2e5ea32 · ·
Generate a real Javadoc JAR for MavenCentral ### Kotlin - The 'abstractLibrary' and 'library' plugins now generate the documentation JAR using Dokkatoo when publishing to a Maven repository (#18, !18)
0.3.1 protected18e1b170 · ·
Dependency upgrades ### Dependencies The projects created using the conventions use: - Kotlin 1.9.21 (#19, 79472c5d, !16) - Compose Multiplatform 1.5.11 (6b16b61a, !16) Plugins created using the conventions use: - Prepared 0.6.0
0.3.0 protected7338748d · ·
Kotlin plugin modularization, plugin to create plugins, Compose Multiplatform ### Base - Created the plugin dev.opensavvy.conventions.plugin to help create Gradle plugins (#12, !12) ### Kotlin - Created the plugin dev.opensavvy.conventions.kotlin.internal to share code between multiple applications without publishing it (#16, !13) - Created the plugin dev.opensavvy.conventions.kotlin.abstractLibrary to configure publishing without applying the Kotlin plugin (#17, !15) ### Dependencies The projects created by the plugin use: - Kotlin 1.9.20 (a67f6286, !14) - Compose Multiplatform 1.5.10 (#14, !14) The plugins themselves use: - Java 11 (#13, !11)