0.2.172475ded · ·
Fix version in files. For the release notes, refer to version 0.2.0: https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/tags/0.2.0
0.2.0dfbedac6 · ·
Release version 0.2.0 Overview of changes since 0.1.0 (2019-12-09): + Comprehensive review of `org-mode' faces. The use of colour should now be more consistent with the semantics of each element. These should also respond better to a variety of combinations, such as when the user has `hl-line-mode' enabled. The agenda view is the greatest beneficiary of this review. + Make `mu4e' mode line faces consistent with other elements that may be placed on the mode line. + Make `gnus' header name/subject more distinct. + Several minor refinements to `ivy' and its extensions. + General usability refinements to `ace-window'. + Minor review of `elfeed' styles, in the interest of improving the contrast between the elements. + Add support for: + `persp-mode' (fork of the already supported `perspective') + `dashboard' + `evil-mode' + `evil-goggles' + `ruler-mode'