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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.3.0
    75944260 · Version 1.3.0 ·
    Release: Release 1.3.0
    - Optional image digest in `Docker.Image` model. This will automatically be populated when an image object is initialized by the library.
    - The `Container` model now has an additonal member to represent the `Image` that container is running.
    - You can now automatically remove containers when they are stopped with the `removeWhenStopped` setting in `ContainerSpec`.
    - Added `Docker.inspect(image:)` API to get information about an image on the system.
    - Added `Docker.manifest(for:)` API to get manifests for image tags.
    - `` not longer returns an optional object.
    - Pushing an image to a remove registry now returns the image manifest.
    - Images now pull by default if they are misisng when using the `create(_:from:pull:)` and `run(image:with:pull:)` APIs.
    - `Docker.Image` now conforms to `CustomStringConvertible`.
    - New API to remove Docker volumes.
    - `DockerHub.Image.architecture` now uses the `Docker.Platform.Architecture` data model.
  • 1.2.0
    2d4e40b3 · Version 1.2.0 ·
    Release: Release 1.2.0
    - Ability to specify if the image should be pulled before creating and/or running a container.
    - `ContainerSpec.PortMapping` object to specify more properties about the port, like the port type (i.e.: TCP, UDP, etc...).
    - `ContainerSpec.EnvironmentVariable` object to represent environment variables passed to the contianer.
    - Docker volumes support to create volumes on the system, with APIs to list existing volumes and create new ones.
    - `ContainerSpec.VolumeMapping` object to represent volumes and paths mapped to the container.
    - `Docker.exec` now returns the command output.
    - Added `Registry` type to represent a remote Docke rserver registry. Used for `Docker.login(server:username:password:)`.
  • 1.1.0
    07cadcd3 · Version 1.1.0 ·
    Release: Release 1.1.0
    - Removed `detach` argument from `run` and `exec` APIs since it doesn't really make sense to use in a method context.
    - Added `build` API to create new Docker images, and return a buidl result containing the output of the build as well as the name of the image tagged.
    - Added API to tag existing images with `Docker.tag(_:source:)`.
    - Added API to push images to a remote repository with `Docker.push(_:)`.
    - `Docker.exec` no longer returns the output of the command (because it never worked).
  • 1.0.1 Release: Release 1.0.1
    Removed --quiet flag from Docker commands since it's not compatible with all Docker CLIs.
  • 1.0.0
    56bd2a21 · First version ·
    Release: Release 1.0.0
    First version of the DockerSwiftAPI library. See README for info regarding usage.