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  • JWF's avatar
    📝 Update language in README, improve issue template · 40c3a458
    JWF authored
    This commit makes minor optimizations and tweaks to the README and issue
    template used in this repository:
    * Replace FCAIC title with FCA title instead.
    * Optimize issue template questions based on responses we typically
      receive in a Fedora context, and drop questions that rarely or never
      apply to Fedora.
    * Change formatting of the issue template to improve readability.
    Signed-off-by: JWF's avatarJustin W. Flory (he/him) <>
    📝 Update language in README, improve issue template
    JWF authored
    This commit makes minor optimizations and tweaks to the README and issue
    template used in this repository:
    * Replace FCAIC title with FCA title instead.
    * Optimize issue template questions based on responses we typically
      receive in a Fedora context, and drop questions that rarely or never
      apply to Fedora.
    * Change formatting of the issue template to improve readability.
    Signed-off-by: JWF's avatarJustin W. Flory (he/him) <>