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  • Kristian Larsson's avatar
    Use version-set in relative location · d81046bc
    Kristian Larsson authored and Marko Zagožen's avatar Marko Zagožen committed
    This makes version-sets work out of the box for NID repos, which is
    pretty cool! You can simply mirror a repo from
    to your local Gitlab environment, like
    and it will automatically find the version set in at the path /version-sets/acme/
    There is one extra step for setting things up, since when someone first
    sets up nso-docker in their own environment, they now will need to
    create a version-set. However, since you are meant to only test with the
    NSO versions you are interested in, this should be done anyway.
    Use version-set in relative location
    Kristian Larsson authored and Marko Zagožen's avatar Marko Zagožen committed
    This makes version-sets work out of the box for NID repos, which is
    pretty cool! You can simply mirror a repo from
    to your local Gitlab environment, like
    and it will automatically find the version set in at the path /version-sets/acme/
    There is one extra step for setting things up, since when someone first
    sets up nso-docker in their own environment, they now will need to
    create a version-set. However, since you are meant to only test with the
    NSO versions you are interested in, this should be done anyway.