- try fix npm exported js files - move components in /src/components - try @sctlib/mwc/raw export for "peer dependency" path
- fix export path for lib - api is imported from `./src` because it has no dependency (and can be used in node/service-worker
- export `api` from `@sctlib/mwc/api` thanks @oskarrough - fix test for previous publish (guest user search user) - (failling unresolving test needs to be rewritten)
- upgrade @sctlib/wcu (define components only in isBrwoser, so can use API only in node/web-worker) - add example pages for each components - add: api.{get,set}{User}{Profile,Status(presence)} and searchUser - new api endpoints
- rename package and project to `@sctlib/mwc` (matrix-web-components) - rename `matrix-room-element` to `matrix-room`, as it seems clearer this is in order totry avoid confusion with matrix.org, element.io, and improve markup / ux / global api
- deprecate @sctlib/matrix-room-element in favor of @sctlib/mwc (matrix-web-components) try to avoid confusion with official projects
- auto define all components on import (back in, easier pattern) - remove console logs - v0.0.79 (published before merging PR)
- add support for event of type `video` (watch & dl) and `file`(dl) https://gitlab.com/sctlib/matrix-room-element/-/merge_requests/32
- `mre.defineComponents()` now need to use this method otherwise custom elements are not defined by default
- ` add api.sendToDevice({user_id,event_type,content,...}) ` to try on https://attention1.gitlab.io/game-elements/
- fix matrix-event-actions "share" input, not being able to correctly select the entire text (disabled vs readonly)