shockrah authored
❗ Freedom by force isn't really freedom but this is more of a pragmatic reason If people can take this codebase and close it down for others to use later then those people will be subject to non-free software. Worse future projects may opt to change the LICENSING which restricts users from doing anything with the source code. On the one hand creators will have slightly less freedom to do as they please, on the other hand, users(the greater sized population) will have more transparency. Transparency is the real reason for the license change.ad1a3df1shockrah authored❗ Freedom by force isn't really freedom but this is more of a pragmatic reason If people can take this codebase and close it down for others to use later then those people will be subject to non-free software. Worse future projects may opt to change the LICENSING which restricts users from doing anything with the source code. On the one hand creators will have slightly less freedom to do as they please, on the other hand, users(the greater sized population) will have more transparency. Transparency is the real reason for the license change.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
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