Drag zone adjustment
Preloaded filename now displayed in the drop zone
Added file type restrictions to the dropdown
Small adjustments to FileUpload and StatusIcon components
Added DnD to the File Upload
Added tool tip wrapper to a number of components. Trial of adding a default test id ( button component ). Upgraded the dependencies of MUI
height property of a DataGrid extended to allow strings, which will allow for the height to be specified to be something like '50vh'.
Fixed issue where multiple FileUpload components could not be used on the same page
Provided alternative to the FileUpload component
Changed the type of the inputRef property.
Added onBlur to entry fields
Dependencies update flatten partially implemented
Extended Icon functionality on the Buttons so that some standard icons are provided without the need for importing.
Updated to latest version of the ska-javascript-components library
Added minHeight & MaxHeight as properties to InfoCard Added option to use the SKAO Symbol instead of the SKAO Logo to the header SKAO Symbol available from the ska-javascript-libaries.
Updated the version number, as there was some issue with 2.0.10 & 2.0.11
Update of the dependencies
Defined onFocus as FocusEventHandler
Updated the onFocus for entry fields
Updated checking of functions in TickBox