0.5.0ec9332a6 · ·
Version 0.5.0 This release contains support for several new packages and lots of refinements for existing ones. A lot of work went into making the themes more robust by reviewing the inheritance of styles from one face group to another (in general, the ':inherit' property should not be used frivolously). Several subtle changes were made to the colour palette of both themes to ensure consistency, enable more possible combinations, and avoid potential ambiguity under certain potential circumstances. Overall, this release gives me confidence that the themes have reached a fairly stable state. What follows is an overview of the changes since version 0.4.0 (2020-01-02). Added support for: + equake + flymake + focus + fountain (fountain-mode) + git-lens + git-timemachine + hi-fill-column + highlight-blocks + info-colors + lsp-mode + lsp-ui + proced (built-in) + regexp-builder (built-in) + suggest Refinements: + The header line uses its own dedicated colours. Several changes were made in 'eww', 'info', 'elfeed', 'magit', 'flycheck' to make sure that any accent value that appears there conforms with the overarching accessibility objective of the Modus themes (contrast ratio of >= 7:1, else WCAG AAA). + 'ivy' no longer uses a box style for the current line, as that was not always reliable. Appropriate colours are used instead. + 'org-mode' blocks use a foreground value that distinguishes their opening and closing tags from source code comments. + The 'org-ellipsis' face was configured to always inherit the looks of its respective heading or element, rather than have its own excessive styling. + 'paren-match' has colours that are designed specifically for it. This is done to retain their utility while making sure they are not mistaken for some other type of feedback. + 'magit' has explicit styles for the mode line process indicators, instead of inheriting from another face. The intention is to use foreground values that are designed specifically for use on the mode line (the minimum contrast ratio requirement). + 'erc' faces have been thoroughly reviewed in the interest of better usability. Its mode line indicators now use appropriate colours. + The faces of the 'messages' library have been thoroughly reviewed. This affects various email interfaces, but also 'elfeed' entry metadata headings. + 'whitespace-mode' no longer has a newline character that stands out. That kind of emphasis was not necessary, given that the symbol used is a dollar sign, which is already far more visible than a mid dot. + 'font-lock' (generic syntax highlighting) has better colour combinations for regexp grouping constructs. + 'rainbow-delimiters' was given its missing base error face. + 'git-commit' comment action uses a slightly different foreground value than before to better match its context. + 'isearch' and 'query-replace' use colours that properly denote each action's utility. + 'visual-regexp' has been reviewed to make the matching groups more distinct from each other. + 'occur' and any other buffer that relies on the 'match' face can now benefit from the new colour combinations, in that its results cannot be confused for the active 'isearch' or 'query-replace' or even their lazily highlighted results (or, indeed, of any other search tool). + 'company' uses faces for its search feedback that are consistent with other search metaphors. + Emacs 27's new ':extend' property is only implemented where necessary (note that the latest release is version 26.3).
0.4.0ed89fbe2 · ·
Version 0.4.0 This is an overview of the changes since version 0.3.0 (2019-12-25). Add support for: + ert + flycheck-indicator + mentor + mu4e-conversation + powerline-evil + telephone-line + vc (built-in version control) Refinements to already-supported packages: + company-mode (several refinements) + doom-modeline (major review) + helm (several tweaks) + hl-line-mode (use unique background) + ivy (improve matching line) + line-number-mode (minor tweaks) + markdown-mode (comprehensive expansion) + mode-line (more appropriate styles for the highlight) + powerline (minor tweaks) + region (use unique background) + swiper (improve matching line in main window) + whitespace-mode (several refinements) + mu4e (tweak mu4e-modeline-face for consistency) Miscellaneous: + Fix actual and potential problems with cursor faces that would distort the use of appropriate background and foreground colours. The documentation stipulates that the `cursor' face cannot be inherited by other faces, due to its peculiar nature of only recognising the background colour. + Add support for more bold constructs in code. As with all such options, it is disabled by default, expecting the user to explicitly opt in. + Declare additional custom faces. Only meant for internal use. + Subtle refinements to "active" colour values in both Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi. These mostly concern the mode line (with a few special exceptions), where emphasis has been placed on the need to provide greater contrast between accent values that can be used there. + Minor documentation refinements.
0.3.053b4fed8 · ·
Release version 0.3.0 Overview of changes since 0.2.0 (2019-12-18): + Add support for the following packages: * apt-sources-list * calfw * counsel-css * counsel-notmuch * counsel-org-capture-string * cov * disk-usage * evil-visual-mark-mode * geiser * keycast * org-journal * org-noter * paren-face * powerline * vc * xah-elisp-mode + Explicitly style the following packages (these were already covered, in terms of the colours they used, but are now targeted directly): * calendar * counsel * cursor * package (M-x list-packages) + Minor tweaks to face groups: * dired * compile + Fixes and refinements: * Documentation strings will now inherit the option for slanted constructs (off by default -- see the README about all the user options). * Comment delimiters have the same styles as the body of the comment to avoid inconsistencies when the option for slanted constructs is enabled. * The line number that is displayed in the compile log is now correctly styled. * Removed duplicate entries for ivy-remote and added ivy-separator. * Ensure that the minibuffer prompt is always above the minimum contrast ratio of 7:1, by using a more appropriate shade of cyan. * Properly reference a couple of variables in Modus Vivendi. + Internal adjustments: * Decouple the core dired faces from those of external packages. * Same for org and org-recur. + Minor documentation updates.
0.2.172475ded · ·
Fix version in files. For the release notes, refer to version 0.2.0: https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/tags/0.2.0
0.2.0dfbedac6 · ·
Release version 0.2.0 Overview of changes since 0.1.0 (2019-12-09): + Comprehensive review of `org-mode' faces. The use of colour should now be more consistent with the semantics of each element. These should also respond better to a variety of combinations, such as when the user has `hl-line-mode' enabled. The agenda view is the greatest beneficiary of this review. + Make `mu4e' mode line faces consistent with other elements that may be placed on the mode line. + Make `gnus' header name/subject more distinct. + Several minor refinements to `ivy' and its extensions. + General usability refinements to `ace-window'. + Minor review of `elfeed' styles, in the interest of improving the contrast between the elements. + Add support for: + `persp-mode' (fork of the already supported `perspective') + `dashboard' + `evil-mode' + `evil-goggles' + `ruler-mode'