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  • Srevin Saju's avatar
    feat: add clean support for shared dgraph instances · ca41b199
    Srevin Saju authored
    Dgraph instances does not support the DropAll feature, and its disabled
    and 'only accessible' by the Dgraph team. Therefore, it becomes impossible
    to remove the schema. This can be solved by fetching and deleting each
    predicate of the schema from the dgraph database, while dropping all the
    data before. This enabled 'clean' command to still act like a dropAll
    alternative within dgraph
    feat: add clean support for shared dgraph instances
    Srevin Saju authored
    Dgraph instances does not support the DropAll feature, and its disabled
    and 'only accessible' by the Dgraph team. Therefore, it becomes impossible
    to remove the schema. This can be solved by fetching and deleting each
    predicate of the schema from the dgraph database, while dropping all the
    data before. This enabled 'clean' command to still act like a dropAll
    alternative within dgraph