Thomas Dorner authored
Changelog diff is: [1mdiff --git i/Changes w/Changes[m [1mindex 8214d79..d369fba 100644[m [1m--- i/Changes[m [1m+++ w/Changes[m [36m@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@[m [mRevision history for Perl extension UI-Various[m [m{{$NEXT}}[m [32m+[m[32m1.00 2024-01-20T10:11:21Z[m [32m+[m [m - fix for DoD check "uncoverable"[m [m - fixed some TODOs, spelling, documentation[m [m - added attributes for colours (foreground and background)[m
284c8c3bThomas Dorner authoredChangelog diff is: [1mdiff --git i/Changes w/Changes[m [1mindex 8214d79..d369fba 100644[m [1m--- i/Changes[m [1m+++ w/Changes[m [36m@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@[m [mRevision history for Perl extension UI-Various[m [m{{$NEXT}}[m [32m+[m[32m1.00 2024-01-20T10:11:21Z[m [32m+[m [m - fix for DoD check "uncoverable"[m [m - fixed some TODOs, spelling, documentation[m [m - added attributes for colours (foreground and background)[m
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