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  • Kellin's avatar
    Initial Commit · 696c8ec6
    Kellin authored
    The initial commit of a plugin to better detect LPC files using
    the .c extension. This plugin negates the need to set the
    boolean defined in vim :help lpc.
    It is based on the check in $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim and checks
    the first 500 lines of the .c file as opposed to the first 12.
    Initial Commit
    Kellin authored
    The initial commit of a plugin to better detect LPC files using
    the .c extension. This plugin negates the need to set the
    boolean defined in vim :help lpc.
    It is based on the check in $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim and checks
    the first 500 lines of the .c file as opposed to the first 12.