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  • v.2.0.7 Release: v.2.0.7
    - Added Texture Channel switches for some textures to be able to pack textures manually and use one texture for several effects if applicable
    - fixed a bug with the Shader Optimizer where it could lead to broken materials when unlocked or locked twice in a row.
    - improved shader performance in some nieche situations by stripping out texture slots entirely from the optimized shader when not in use.
    - Added a Decal feature with 4 Texture slots and independent settings for each
    - Animated property toggles can now be toggled at once for every material selected.
    - Reworked the Flipbook feature to have the same options as the decals have, Flipbooks now also render on Metallic surfaces
    - fixed an issue with Matcaps set to Subtract
  • v.2.0.1
    - Fixed Transparency issues
    - Centered Flipbook and AudioLink Waveform around itself so it does not shift at resizing anymore, sadly this means that the Offset broke for existing Materials and require manual settings again
    - Added Flipbook emissive Toggle
    - Fixed several minor issues
    - Changed _EmissionColor to 0 by default, _EmissionMap needs to be set to white eventually to support none texture emission
  • v.2.0 Release: v.2.0
    v.2.0 brings a total rewrite to Moriohs Toon Shader.
    In v.2.0 you will not just get more features but also much more performance as well as bug fixes and general quality of life improvements.
    The performance overhead from the node based surface shader is gone and the shader does not rely on third party software anymore which gives developers an easyier chance to fork this project and add their own features to it.
    This also gave me much more freedome on how to work inside the shader which in return gives you the user a much better quality overall as for example Normal Maps are more detailed now.
    - The Shader Inspector now supports 3 inline properties which makes it a little cleaner, it also got a slight performance increase.
    - Added Silents Inventory System with some additions, a how to use Guide can be found here from [Silent themself here](, thank you Silent <3
    - d4rkpl4y3r has been working with me to bring full support for his optimizer [d4rkAvatarOptimizer](
    - Full Standard Shader Fallback support.
    - Unity Package Manager support.
    Add the (https clone URL:"") of the gitlab repo into Unitys Package Manager and get faster and less complicated updates, this may require [GIT](
    Updates via the Package Manager are not possible in Unity versions before 2021.2.11, hence why i did implement my own way to update the package via the Material Inspector Update Button on the very bottom, this will either update the package if installed under Packages via one click or if the package is not installed under Packages then it will open a link and start downloading the git repo as a .zip file as usual, both ways are supported!
    KEEP IN MIND BEFORE YOU SWITCH TO THE PACKAGE MANAGER VERSION THAT YOU SHOULD MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR PROJECT FIRST, then boot your project and delete all Shader files from my Shader including textures off your Assets folder, only then try to use the Package Manager! The problem here are Unitys GUIDs, if you're lucky with this method your links may not break in your project.
  • v.1.7 Release: v.1.7
    Depracted the use of multiple different Shaders and added a new Toon variant that combines Opaque, Cutout and Transparent into a singular Shader. That being said your current material setups still work as usual and the depracted Shaders are updated with all changes to this release but will break in further updates from now! To make the conversion quick and easy i added a Button to all materials using the old Shader variants that will automatically set the material up for the new rendering modes and switches the Shader to the new Toon variant. Furthermore i implemented PBR correct transparency, the ability to fallback correctly now to any given Shader(Standard Shader currently) and other underlying changes.
  • v.1.6.1
    c4372eba · Update ·
    Release: v.1.6.1
  • v.1.5.5
    The Shader Optimizer is way faster now and includes several new Locking options (Lock: Scene, Gameobject/Avatar and childs, Folder and by Material selection) thanks to (
  • v1.5.2 Release: v1.5.2
    - Fixed Specular Aniso negative drop
    - Properly set up Specular Highlight Shadow contribution and included this system into the Cubemap section
    - Fixed Ambient Direction which was incorrect since ever..
    - Fixed all issues related to Matcaps and gave Matcap and Baked Cubemaps a new way of lighting(Matcap Intensity now equals exact brightness meaning 1 is full brightness so you would need to scale the Intensity down from 5 to 1 when updating to this version)
    - Vertex Lights coloring now works properly and inherit initial ToonRamp color data
    - Subsurface Scattering includes Shadow Caster Shadows now and should be complete now
    - SCS Shadows work the same way like ToonRamp Shadows do and dont wrap anymore on opacity tweaks
    - Diffuse Ambient Light Shadows are fading properly now the brighter surrounding Pixel Lights get
    - The 'Maximum Light Multiplier'(which is pretty handy for debugging) now includes Diffuse Vertex Lights
    - Fixed some minor underlying issues with Lighting calculations specifically for Vertex Lights
    - Added a Point/Spot Light Intensity slider
  • v1.5 Release: v1.5
  • v1.3.8
    1469e7e2 · Release of v1.3.8 ·
    Release: v1.3.8
  • v1.3.6
    - Implemented a Shader Optimizer(developed by Kaj[]) to get better performance when the Shaders values wont get used dynamically outside of Unity Editor, this will greatly improve GPU Rendertimes and perform just as well or even better than a well optimized self written Shader with the same and same amount of Features included(meaning non Surface, non Code generated).
    Note: Read the Manual for more information about it.
    - Fixed an issue with the recent GGX Specular implementation which caused an edge flicker due to perspective projection over NdotV
    - Changed the Hue Shift function so that its possible to just offset the time value when no time(speed) is set.
    - Did some minor changes/fixes to various things.
  • v1.3.2
    775c6f2c · Release of v.1.3.2 ·
    Release: v1.3.2
    - Finalized the Dissolve/Rematerialize Section
    - Overhauled the internal Lighting System and got rid of the secondary Lighting System.
    - Fixed Vertex Lighting NdL Shadows which didnt get properly calculated due to custom UV Shadow Ramp sampling complexity
    - Adapted the Shadow Caster Shadows for the Rim Light Function
    - Added a proper way to Lerp some functions between Indirect and Pixel Lights.
    - Directional Shadow Caster Shadows now have a little NPR touch and accepting Normal Maps.
    - Fixed a issue with the Flipbook Clamping the outer Pixel across the Mesh, this is now fixed thanks to Poiyomi !
    - Added a new option to Outlines for Camera Clip Space scaling
    - Changed the ESv2 Rendering Method from "World Position" to "Vertex World Position" which isnt dependant on the World Space per se anymore.
    - Specular Highlights (internally) now grab the proper Shadow Ramp.
    - Updated the Manual
  • v1.3.1
    - Added a Dissolve/Rematerialize Function so that you can have multiple sets of Clothing and exchange them easaly at Runtime.
    - Fixed Occlusion mapping which didnt occlude Cubemaps and changed its behaviour a bit.
    - Fixed other minor bugs.
    - Changed the Inspector so that you dont need to switch to Advanced Setting to use Occlusion Mapping anymore.
  • v1.3
    79c4a825 · Release of v1.3 ·
    - This Update is another huge Step for me and this Project, it introduces Vertex Lighting with some workarounds and tricks, thanks to "d4rkpl4y3r" for that.
    - This Update also fixes the Problem that when you switch from one Shader variant over to another and the Blend Ops wont change accordingly, now when you have a material set for Transparency and switch to any other variant then the Material will inherit the new Shader variants Blend Ops. Thanks to "Rokk" for providing me with a solution there.
    - Cleaned up the internal code structure for the Inspector so that there is no more unused code etc.
    - Added Indirect Specular Light for the Rimlight section (BETA: this is a temporary Feature and might get removed in future updates)
    - switched out the "Rim Intensity" for "Indirect Spec Strength" since it had no real usecase for the default Rimlighting.
    One thing to note: if you are updating from a previous version then the Cubemap Toggle will reset to Off for all Shader variants, make sure you will go through your materials and reenable the feature if you used it.
  • v1.2.5
    a043c389 · Release of v1.2.5 ·
    Release: v1.2.5
    Cleaned up the Shader, including the different variants and GUI, also introducing two new Features "Main Texture HUE Shift" and "Shadow Mask"
    This Update will unassign the Shader from your Materials but only if you were using the standard version.
    This Update will also convert your advanced verions to standard versions by default. Simply just "Toggle Advanced" on the Material Inspector to change that again.
  • v1.2
    0ffb9cf4 · RELEASE v1.2 ·
    Release: v1.2
    - Overhauled the entire Lighting System which introduces Receiving Shadows, many changes towards the settings in the Lighting Tab, several bug fixes and much more.
    - Added controllable Receiving Shadows for pixel ligting
    - Added a way to be able to adjust Impacting Light through a function called "Light Maxer"
    - Added Dithering with a custom Texture support
    - Internally overhauled the entire Cubemap Section for PBR purposes and a 1x1 identical rendering for the Fallback Cubemap
    - Fixed an issue relating to the Matcaps "Multiply" Mode which was multiplying with the Main Texture twice
    - Final change for the default Render options
  • v1.1.9
    7db4be90 · v1.1.9 release ·
    Final change for the "Dynamic Switch Detector" in the Cubemap Section. Im now using a Method which got me provided by "ACiiL" [] and with some help from "Lyuma" [] i've got it working in Amplify !
    - Fixed up the Renderqueues of all Shader variants
    - Fixed a Masking issue for the Cubemap Section
  • v1.1.8
    83fb22fc · initial commit ·
    This Update will reset your entire Matcap settings on all your Materials that use this Shader ! so make sure you will check them after the Update.
    - Added 3 more Matcaps for use. The Inspector will tell you which Color Channel on the Mask to use for the selected Matcap.
    - Fixed some Lighting issues in the Cubemap Section
    - The Metallic Map now works for the Baked Cubemap as well
    - The Baked Cubemap will now behave more PBR like which makes it better suited as fallback
    - Made the Dynamic Reflection Fallback more reliable
  • v1.1.7
    fa773b24 · initial commit ·
    - Worked on the primary Lighting Systems and changed a bit how they work to give both a equal good looking appearance. The "Main" Lighting System is fully controlled by the Toon/Shadow Ramp and the "Secondary" is just partially controlled by the Toon/Shadow Ramp and there for handles Point and Spotlights differently.
    - Changed the Toon/Shadow Ramp Offset from Half Lambert to flat Offset
    - Fixed a Lighting issue in the Cubemap section.
  • v1.1.6
    568eb04b · initial commit ·
    - Overhauled the Cubemap Reflections a bit by correctly culling Specular Highlights from the Standard Metallic Workflow and excluding Standard Shaders Lighting which was included in there for a long time. Also on top i've made sure everything behaves like it should for correct PBR results.
    - Clamped the Indirect Lighting,  usefull for the VRChat Optimized Lighting System
    - Spot and Pointlight Lighting Vector issue is fixed for the VRChat Optimized Lighting System.
  • v1.1.5
    68fd6dad · Update Moristyles.cs ·
    - Changed the Reflections tab so that you can have the Matcap and Cubemap section active at the same time, this is not just nice to have for the user but it also let me get rid of every Keywords that were included in the Shader, with that being said there is still one Keyword left and active by default but it most likely does not contribute to the Keywordlist of your Game since it is a re use of one that the Standard Shader uses as well.
    - Added a Rim Light Texture Mask
    - Added support for offset and scaling on the SSS Thickness Map
    - Added "Point/Spotlight Shadow Intensity" to the optimized Lighting System so that you have controll over that as well (read the manual for more detail)
    - Adapted Specular Highlights for Indirect Lighting (except the Standard Highlights)
    - Changed the Step Based Cel Shading System so that you can color the Shadows there now as well.