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Resolve "feat(product): provide a region's product inventory level"

git Merge Request Merge Request (MR)

Home Depot does not include within its results. Instead, each product page sends a GraphQL GET request to with the query parameters that are relevant to a product's web page.

Associated issue(s)

Closes #10 (closed)

  • 1. The acceptance criteria for all associated issues have been completed, tested, and validated.
  • 2. The README either reflects my changes or does not require updates.
  • 3. The CONTRIBUTING document either reflects my changes or does not require updates.

View the "Code Review Cheat-sheet"...

Rule 1: Review all code before releasing it

Do the code reviews before deployment.


Your team will end up, on average, spending 7% more of its time on building new features compared with those who do after, and 10% more than those who don’t do code reviews at all.

Rule 2: All developers review code

Make sure all your developers get to review code.


This will improve the feeling of empowerment, facilitate knowledge transfer, and improve developer satisfaction and productivity.

Rule 3: Four-to-eight (4-8) hours per developers per week

The optimal amount of time to spend on code reviews is between 0.5 to 1 day per week per developer.

Rule 4: Don't release code that fails reviews

Make code reviews blocking, that is, don’t deploy before they have been carried out.

Rule 5: More rigor, better quality and velocity

Be strict and thorough when reviewing code.


Your code quality and velocity will thank you.

Code quality summary

Measure Scores
Quality gate Sonar Alert Status Metrics
Duplications Sonar Duplicated Lines Density Metrics
Maintainability Sonar Code Smells Metrics
Sonar Sqale Rating Metrics
Sonar Sqale Index Metrics
Sonar Ncloc Metrics
Reliability Sonar Reliability Rating Metrics
Sonar Bugs Metrics
Security Sonar Security Rating Metrics
Sonar Vulnerabilities Metrics
Test coverage Sonar Coverage Metrics

Code quality, vulnerability, and standards compliance tools

Code Style Linters Test frameworks
JavaScript Style Guide ESLint Jest BDD
Standard JS user guide link-external ESlint user guide link-external Jest user guide link-external

How to format, lint, and test your changes

Open a Terminal, go to the root directory for product-extractor-hd, and run:

$ npm test

info Completed tasks are not required to open a PR, and may be addressed while the PR is open.

alert All tasks must be completed and verified before a PR may be merged into master, however.

Edited by Zaira Ardor

Merge request reports
