1.3.0f867e19a · ·
Game Server: - using L2OFF areas instead of L2J style zones - improved geodata with only small chance of errors - various admin commands to manage areas and geometry - using latest node and compilation using swc Server Testing: - now using CucumberJs as main runner, along with converted examples from interactions CLI and assets: - utilizing command link with game server to achieve bi-directional communication (current use is to reload html) - complete spawns that now include raidbosses and their minions - improved geodata generation to include less errors that happen in L2J data (slightly smaller size too)
1.1.0a6d753bf · ·
Game server: - using world geodata for movement - improved player and NPC AI - faster game client updates for various status bar information - various improvements for magic skills used by NPC and player - mob drops now use circle pattern (bigger circles possible the larger mob is) Login server: none CLI: - generating geodata from L2J geodata (smaller size and faster lookups possible in new format) - updated documentation for L2 lore - storing various point geometry for game server (currently used by mob drop mechanic)