Projects with this topic
a custom lightsaber made with openSCAD
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OpenGL 3D Game Engine written in C
Features: Rasterizer, more yet to be defined
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3D Sudoku solver in C++: Sudoku + Cubi = Sudokubi
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Website and plugins for the Dash Model Format. Files with the Dash Model Format end with the extension .dmf. The goals of the format are to be a static binary interchange format.
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A simple customizable fixture board
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A ThreeJS/WebGL port of the famous "Bouncing Ball" demo that was originally made on the Amiga
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Welcome to AR APP demo with Unity and VuforiaSDK
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Customizable extension for bed/table/furniture legs
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A simple customizable radiation shield
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本應用程式,主要是透過 JavaScript 相關語法 (已加密,所以您看不出其原始程式碼),加以實現出可操控之動態的 3D 立方體。
使用者可透過 鍵盤 的 左、右 方向鍵,以及頁面之左下角 的 控制鈕,動態呈現立方體之某一面的笑話內容!
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Project repo for Drowning City - A short walking simulator about the environment and humanity.
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A customizable drip-off-grid for vegetable boxes
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